Monday, September 29, 2008
blog1 comment--CBS
I also like the title added to the "People" blog. I have never found anything worth staying awake to read in People. Other news magazines etc. have the same information but better said.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Newsweek Blogger on Media 'Bias'
This is all quite relevant, of course, to our discussions about issues in news coverage these days.
The really damaging bias is narrative in nature--bias for tension, bias for conflict, bias for drama. Which is why when Schmidt and Co. release a misleading ad about Obama that's not actually airing on TV, the cable newsniks air it for them. Or why we jump to cover Schmidt's histrionic attack on the Times instead of focusing on McCain's economic speech in Scranton. Schmidt knows how the MSM works, and he's doing a brilliant job--far better than Team Obama--of capitalizing on its weaknesses.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Justin Wegner
Jill Wilson
Oil prices skyrocket to a new high

We chose this first article because it was the first article to catch your eye on the website. They had a bold headline to feature it, as well as a picture. It was the only one with a picture when your first opened up the website. This article was mainly about the price of oil skyrocketing to a new record high.
Finnish gunman kills 10 at college

Housing Costs Gobling Up Paychecks

This article also stood out to us because of where it was placed on the CNN website. It was the first article to be seen under the top news stories for the
3.) does have a major list or popular news. This list differs from the other list in that it includes various things from animals, politics, and day to day things. This list is updated every twenty minutes so it is late and changing.
4.) presents a couple of ways to read the blogs on the site. One way is by going to a major news story, and you'll usually find the blog at the bottom, after the news story. The blogs serve as a supplement to the news stories. Here, you can go to the bottom of the story and find the blogs linked to it. You will also discover that it is not only political pundits or experts on the issue that contribute to the blogging, but there are ordinary citizens as well. also lists all of their most popular blogs in a top ten list about 3/4 down the home page. There is a section simply titled "Blogs" and there biggest feature story is given a description. Under that you can click on "All CNN Blogs" where they have a top 10 list of the "Most Active Blogs". The blogs here are handled by CNN producers and reporters such as Erica Hill, an Anderson Cooper 360 Correspondent; Jeffrey Toobin, a CNN Senior Legal Analyst and columnist for The New Yorker; and Joe Klein, a CNN contributor and TIME columnist. The latter were contributing to the Anderson Cooper 360 blog alone, so you can imagine the plethora of types of columnists contribute to the rest of the blog's on this CNN top ten.
5. )
People can post comments about the blog storys. People can also post comments about story articles. You have to registar online with
6.)The top right corner of the website there is a link to CNN videos. And for most of the things on CNN there is some video coverage of some sort. On the video site you can check out podcast, as well as radio. Online Edition

Drew Parker
Leigh Rodrigue
Katie Savage
AJ Scherer

Feeling Good Redskin fans Focus on Dallas- This article was placed in the top left of the website catching the attention of the reader by being the first thing they see. It was accompanied by a picture of #89 for the Redskins, Santana Moss, running with the ball. The story was about Washington's recent win over Arizona and the boost in confidence and pride it gave the team and fans before the game against Dallas.
Markets Remain on Edge as Investors Seek Safety- This article, our second choice, was top center of the page and had the largest headline font. The article was about the uncertainty and losses recently effecting the stock market and talks of a bailout by the government. No picture accompanied this article.
Reality Scuttles Best Laid Plans- The third article was second down from the top in the center of the site directly below the Wall St. article. It's position was bumped up between the two different times we viewed the site which led us to believe it was a higher priority. The issue discussed in this article is how the agenda, at home and abroad, have changed drastically since the presidental campaign began. No picture accompanied this article.

The Wa

Users have the ability to post comments on the site. There are discussion boards ranging from politics to values and education to advice. Some discussions had several thousands of posts with a wide range of opinions and ideas. You must register with the website before being allowed to join discussions. has a wide range of video clips available to readers. Under a analysis

Merrifield, Avery
Miller, Kayla
Motton, Keeley
Panova, Olga
2. What are the futured stories listed on the home page of the site?
- Congress balks at bailout plan's pace, details
- Looking for the winning strategy in Afganistan
- Dodd: Plan's 'unnaccaptable'
3. The site provides lists of most popular, top rated and most e-mailed stories as well as most viewed videos and top slide shows. There is also a section where readers can upload their own pictures or videos.
4. The site provides different blogs. They are categorized depending on the topic. The bloggers are the reporters, NBC News producers, NBC News correspondents and foreign editors. But there are also message boards, created by readers that just express their thoughts there, sometimes even without a particular topic.
5. The site provides the opportunity for readers to leave their comments about the articles and leave the messages on the discussion boards.
6. The site offers a variety of ways to search for pictures or video. Sometimes pictures are posted together with the story, but you can also find them under sections of different topics or under top slide shows or most viewed videos.
Monday, September 22, 2008
CBSNEWS.COM- Alternating Headlines

Mark Immler
Bailey Klatt

3. Yes, this site offers a most popular articles list. These articles are primarily political with the exception of one murder/mystery case. This section is broken down into three tabbed categories; Stories, Videos, and Photos.

Media & Society Blog #1--
Shelly Chrisman
Leah Cicardo
Rachel Cicardo
Mackenzie Clark
2. What are the featured stories listed on the home page of the site?
Dallas News and probably every other news web site featured a story about our current Wall street crisis. The article is very long so as to explain in detail to the viewer the specifics on the government's plan of action and the details of how badly these companies stocks have fallen. They feature a box on the main site next to this article stating:
The Dow Jones industrials tacked
a 161-point loss onto a steep drop from Monday.
Bernanke: Act quickly or face recession
Tell us: Is the financial crisis affecting you?
Bush to Adress Nation Tonight with economy Woes

The article also has an AP video(American Press Video-- below) that shows finance experts as well as normal American citizen's opinions on whether or not the government should step in or stay out of it and let these big companies face their bad decisions.
T.O. always hustles; Dallas Cowboys fans slow to notice Dallas Cowboys News Sports News News for Dallas, Texas Dallas Morning News
This site features Sunday night's Cowboy's game against the packers. This is probably on the main web page of Dallas because Dallas residents want to hear highlights from the game. Sports have a way of connecting to a community and get them involved. They even have a site with an open chat for anyone with an email address that wants to give their views of the teams strengths and weaknesses. Around the end of the article you can see off to the side a few other cowboys articles the viewer can click on if they want to read more. It also contains a box with options like a Cowboys photo gallery, wallpapers, and polls for the viewer to also click on

Another important story Dallas News features on their main web page is:
Gasoline supplies are tight in Dallas-Fort Worth News for Dallas, Texas Dallas Morning News Latest News

America in general is very dependent on transportation via car. With these rising gas prices it was smart of them to place this article in the center of the page. When you click on the article you can find headlines like "Don't Panic!" with tips on not panicking and buying as much fuel as possible because that is how we will run out of oil. Another headline stated the "Status of Texas Oil Refineries" containing the oil refineries residing in the gulf such as Valero, Exxon, and Shell along with the estimated amount of days till they are back to normal.
3. Does the site offer a list of the most popular or most emailed articles?

Most Read
Updated Tues 9.23.08
Dallas Cowboys unbeaten and unrivaled this season
Dallas Cowboys' Adam Jones finding rhythm
Most E-mailed
Buttermilk pie: Good Southern home-cooking
Dallas ISD budget woes threaten teachers' job security
Possible mother-daughter team steal wig, hair extensions from Fort Worth store
6 ways to amp up your metabolism to keep weight off
Mexicans feeling pinch as income stream from U.S. slows
Most Recommended
Find foreclosure listings in your neighborhood (16)
DISD Superintendent Hinojosa says deficit is 'humbling situation' (10)
Dallas Cowboys take a Lambeau leap over Green Bay, 27-16 (9)
Authorities identify burglar killed in struggle with Fort Worth couple (8)
Home invasion turns deadly in Tarrant County (8)
4. To what extent does the site incorporate journal- style blogs?
The journal style blogs are located on the right side of the main web page. The different topics include Entertainment, Lifestyles, Recipes, Travel, People, and more. The reporters for each of these have different bloggers and experts writing for each section. For example, the article under Lifestyles named:

8 great merlots for less than $20 News for Dallas, Texas Dallas Morning News Life/Travel
--This is a featured article contributed to the Dallas news by Tina Daze who is a professional wine Critic and connoisseur.
5. Does the site incorporate reader comments or have discussion boards?
Placed around many of the articles are small icon browsers you can click on with options like, "Tell us if this article effects you and your daily life" or "Check out our blog where you can discuss this article and/or give your own testimony," to share with other Dallas news readers and journalists. Underneath articles throughout the website you can see others blogs or postings left by readers for the writer and other viewers to look at and analize.
6. To what extent does the site incorporate multimedia content such as video or audio clips?
This site utilizes media pretty heavily. You can view videos on current topics that are in the news but you have to watch a short ad presented by the sponsor which in this case was Verizon. The ad isn't longer than 20 seconds so the viewer will watch it if they want to see the online video enough. The news gets a win- win when they post videos, because they still make money off of ad- time, and viewers still get to see what they want without unbearable clutters of ads.
Fox News
1. Luke Hinton, Sara Huckabee, Claudia Huerta, Janie Hammonds
2.Dow Slides on Oil, Bailout Fears--This article title was the first of three listed articles. It was at the top of the page, and had the largest, boldest font. The article described the uncertanding of today's stock market. It also stated that the market had the largest two-day percentage jump since October 1987.
Dorm Raided in Palin E-mail Hack--This article was second on the page and had a smaller text than the first. The article stated that the FBI served a search warrant against a 20-year-old college student suspected of hacking in to Sarah Palin’s personal e-mail account.
'SNL' Incest Joke Falls Flat--This article was third on the page, and it also had smaller text than the first. The article stated that SNL made a joke about incest among Sarah Palin's family. The joke made reference to the idea that New York Times is out of touch with the rest of the country including Alaska.
3. The site offers a tab to view the "Most Read" articles on The "Most Read" articles differed from the front page articles in that they contained more entertainment value as opposed to economic and political issues/news.
4. FOXNEWS.COM incorporates a variety of blogs on the website. The bloggers are reporters, political analysts, and experts of different areas. The blogs on this site discuss weather, environment, health and of course politics and current events. Fox News Radio hosts also have blogs that listeners can follow daily.
5. The website offered readers comments on the news articles in the 'Opinion' tab. We could not find any discussion boards on the website.6. FOXNEWS.COM offers a clickable link that includes their “top videos.” It also includes a clickable link for radio announcements such as Bill O’Reilly’s Radio Factor, Fox Across America, Tom Sullivan, etc., and other hot topics. - Courtney Hall, Claudia Flores

associated with CNN (partnership)
2. A Diamond discovered in the South Africa nation of Lesotho naming it one of the largest quality diamonds found. The 478-carat diamond beats out its past competitors who's carats that were much more larger in carats ranging from 603 carats to 493 carats.
Above is a clip from the movie "Blood Diamond".
Small sized article, story placed under “Latest Headlines”, two images posted of a 478-carot white diamond, 20th largest rough, unearthed diamond.

McCain a lying brute? Trying to win this presidentional election McCain brings out the gloves against Obama. His campaign has been firing false accusations on his oponent's character and even his policies. Perhaps playing dirty could lead to his downfall?
It's a longer article, story placed under “Election ‘08”, one image illustration of McCain, Also links to campaign trial pictures of both McCain and Palin at the end of story. Article on Lies, deception, politics, also filed under most read, popular searchers on the right hand side of front page.

3. does indeed provide a list of the most popular articles and also the most emailed articles. The difference between these side articles and the featured article, is that these articles are less important and much older in date compared to the current and most important featured article. For instance lets take this article, Meet Dave, the Man Who Never Takes Out the Trash , most popular. Really, I bet if you were just scanning through these articles you would probaly think that this guy is nasty and weird because I know I would. Also topping off the most e-mailed which we find pretty interesting is the article What Happens When We Die?

4. Yes, they incorporate journal style blogs which readers can comment on.
Technology »

The 'Google Phone': A Challenge to the iPhone?
By Anita Hamilton

50 Authentic American Experiences
By Reed Tucker
Swampland: Politics

Obama and McCain on the Bailout: You First!
By Jay Carney
6. In the entertainment section, there is a link that offers a wide variety of video clips which include: Newest Videos, U.S. and World related videos, Business & Tech, Global Business, and Health & Science.

Jenna Condit, Courtney Cooper, Natalie Couling, Sarah Crowe
Top Headlines
A. The Boomerang Effect-"What's wrong with McCain's Wall Street Attacks?
-The "Boomerang Effect" headline appears big and bold as part of aQuestion: Does the site offer a list of the most popular or most emailed articles?
headline slide-show. The article itself is about how presidential
candidate John McCain has been making statements criticizing his
opponent Barack Obama in hypocritical ways. The video which is attached
to the article shows several members of team Obama being referred to in
negative ways, all approved by John McCain.
B. The Captain of the Street- What they got away with.
-The "Captain of the Street" headline is the cover story of the Newsweek
magazine currently on stands and shows a picture of what the cover looks
like. The article talks about several big time CEO's who have
manipulated their businesses for their own personal benefit. The article
is layed out as a slide-show stating who the CEO is, what corporation
they represent, and what they got away with.
C. Woman whose dogs mauled neighbor gets 15 to life
-This particular headline was located under the "Latest Headlines" at
the center of the website. The article is about the recent re-conviction
of a woman in California whose dogs killed a neighbor in their apartment
complex in 2001. The woman was previously charged with involuntary
manslaughter however that was overturned and recently changed=2
0from a 4 year sentence to a 15 to life sentence.
3. Answer: Yes, the site offers a list of the most viewed and most emailed articles.Question: Does this site incorporate reader comments or have discussion boards?
The most viewed and emailed articles differ little from the front page articles; in
fact, a few are front page stories. Most are about the '08 presidential campaign and
candidates and the current financial crisis
Question: To what extend does the site incorporate journal- style blogs?
4. Answer: Newsweek has blogs written by its columnists and commented by readers.
Each columnist has his/her own blog to which they post.
5. Yes. does incorporate reader comments and has discussion boards
available to subscribed users under the tab Voices at the top of the page.
Question: To what extent does the site incorporate multimedia
such as video or audio clips?
6. Video clips are available on the homepage of as well as under the
tab Voices. Here is the link that will take you to the video page under Voices.
ABCNEWS.COM - Bobby Lewis, Christina Linehan
1. The Emmy's: When we first entered the page, this was the first story shown on the "story slide show." The headline pictures contain the big winners of the night. When you click on the article it shows pictures of the night with a short story of what happened.
2. Wall Street Bailout: Actually listed on the site as the top headline (Bush Goes to Bat for Executive Salaries, Discourages 'Punitive' Measures) along with a picture in the same slide show as the Emmy's picture. The article summarizes the "debate" between Bush and Congress regarding Federal assistance and the current financial crisis.
3. SC Learjet Crash: Also listed as a top headline. It shows pictures of the crash site and the plane as well as lists the celebrities involved, but does not emphasize the actual deaths.
This site does not offer a list of the most popular or most e-mailed articles.
This site incorporates a journal-style blog through what the site refers to as a "Featured Discussion." In this particular story by ELISABETH LEAMY ABC NEWS Consumer Correspondent, she discusses paying off debt. The bloggers are typically regular people. There is also a message board link at the bottom of the page. This link takes you to a page with various postings on various topics that viewers are free to comment on.
On the message board link, viewers can actually start their own discussions as well as comment on stories and other postings.
This site incorporates a plethora of multimedia content. Almost every story has a picture to go along with it on the homepage of the site. Viewers are also given the opportunity to watch many video clips.
The New York Times 9/22/08

3. The page does feature a most popular segment, it is at the top of the page with the other tabs. The most popular tab consists of most e-mailed, most blogged, most searched, and the most popular video. The stories differ from the ones on the home page because they are enduring popular stories such as coverage on Sarah Palin or the price of gasoline. The stories on the home page are the more up to date stories, as they post new ones very frequently. Here it is.
4. They do incorporate blogs. They incorporate specialists on any given topic, and editorial columnists as well. They have a very large variety of blogs to choose from, with topics ranging from Baseball to the Arts to Energy. The Blog Index Arts Blog Bats
5. They incoporate comments over to the right side of the home page. Users are allowed to comment on opinion posts. These are op-ed pieces that range over a wide variety of topics with readers able to comment on them. Registration is required in order to comment.
6. The site incoporates multimedia to some extent, they have a video section. The videos are divided into channels ranging over certain topics. The videos show up in a player provided on the site, in a youtube-style format. Here are the videos
-Matthew Scherer, Robert Uribe, Robert Stephens, Daniel Schorlemmer