Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Jose Vela
Daniel Villareal
Justin Wegner
Jill Wilson


Oil prices skyrocket to a new high

We chose this first article because it was the first article to catch your eye on the website. They had a bold headline to feature it, as well as a picture. It was the only one with a picture when your first opened up the website. This article was mainly about the price of oil skyrocketing to a new record high.

Finnish gunman kills 10 at college

We chose this article because of it's placement on the website. It was placed under the world category as one of the two most important articles listed at the time. It also caught the reader's attention because we felt it like many would be concerned about where this killing took place. To us, it seems like an extremely important article about an international event.

Housing Costs Gobling Up Paychecks

This article also stood out to us because of where it was placed on the CNN website. It was the first article to be seen under the top news stories for the U.S. today, which infers that it is a very important story. I believe so many Americans can relate to this problem, or know someone relating to this problem, so that’s mainly why it is a top story. It was mainly about how people were given loans for houses they couldn’t afford, and now they are struggling to make payments on them.


CNN.com does have a major list or popular news. This list differs from the other list in that it includes various things from animals, politics, and day to day things. This list is updated every twenty minutes so it is late and changing.

CNN.com presents a couple of ways to read the blogs on the site. One way is by going to a major news story, and you'll usually find the blog at the bottom, after the news story. The blogs serve as a supplement to the news stories. Here, you can go to the bottom of the story and find the blogs linked to it. You will also discover that it is not only political pundits or experts on the issue that contribute to the blogging, but there are ordinary citizens as well. CNN.com also lists all of their most popular blogs in a top ten list about 3/4 down the home page. There is a section simply titled "Blogs" and there biggest feature story is given a description. Under that you can click on "All CNN Blogs" where they have a top 10 list of the "Most Active Blogs". The blogs here are handled by CNN producers and reporters such as Erica Hill, an Anderson Cooper 360 Correspondent; Jeffrey Toobin, a CNN Senior Legal Analyst and columnist for The New Yorker; and Joe Klein, a CNN contributor and TIME columnist. The latter were contributing to the Anderson Cooper 360 blog alone, so you can imagine the plethora of types of columnists contribute to the rest of the blog's on this CNN top ten.

5. )
People can post comments about the blog storys. People can also post comments about story articles. You have to registar online with cnn.com

6.)The top right corner of the website there is a link to CNN videos. And for most of the things on CNN there is some video coverage of some sort. On the video site you can check out podcast, as well as radio.


Jcondit said...

Your group researched very well. Also, you used great pictures which relates to the topics well. I really liked how you embedded the website link in your stories. Good job!

Claudia said...

Overall, the group did a good job in showing pictures from each featured stories. I think that CNN.com is a reliable news source with up to date headlines and interesting articles. I personally visit the site on a regular basis to check up on the election.

shawn blair said...

I also use CNN.com regularly. Although Time or Fox News may seem equally, if not more useful for finding news leisurely, I go to CNN for a couple minutes to make sure there aren't any massive tragedies going on anywhere at the moment that I need to know about.

It seems like if it isn't on CNN.com's homepage then it isn't news. They just seem that trustworthy to me.

This is a news website that implements all forms of media quite seamlessly, whereas the other sites are more like magazines or newspapers on the web which makes them kind of lacking.

Nice post.

James Briones said...

I agree with the others that commented that this is a very good example for a first time blog. They followed all the critrea assigned and had pictures and hyperlinks as well. Although CNN in my opinion is reliable as a news source, they are just second for me to MSNBC.

kkahanek said...

I think this group did a good job in making their post simple and easy to read with the bold numbers and picture under each summary.

As for CNN.com-- I actually never visit but I went to check it out just now. The articles seem pretty well-rounded. For example, today they are featuring plenty of information about the bailout and election but also an article from OPRAH.COM with the headline, "Improve Your Marriage." I thought that was funny. Maybe I will visit CNN on a regular basis.

A.J. Scherer said...

This group did a good job on their blog. All of the headlines were noticeable thanks to the great images. I personally use CNN.com all the time. It's a very reliable news source in my opinion.

RobertG said...

Sure who doesn't like CNN, maybe Ted Turner when he wishes it was still his. Did they really say that oil prices "skyrocketed?" Can 5 or even 8% be considered skyrocketing? Stock eye candy with a photo that could be 30 years old. I hope they get a photo of that shooter soon to replace that tank. And what to say about the housing story other than stories or pictures do not infer, people infer, stories imply.

scrowe1 said...
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scrowe1 said...

This was one of my favorites! I really like how you all worked in your named under the CNN title. The pictures you used were also great and very self explanatory. I really enjoy using the CNN website too. It's relatively simple to navigate through and the news is pretty great. Great job!

KathyB said...

CNN is one of my favorite news sources. The site itself looks so clean, and it's so easy to navigate, not to mention they have news from all parts of the world, relating to all sorts of people. Plus they have a huge vault of videos available on topics ranging from opinions on the economic bailout, to the Iraq soccer team practicing. And of course, the site's main selling point: it's got up to date information.

barnold said...

well i will have to say cnn.com seems like a much easier website to comment on