Shelly Chrisman
Leah Cicardo
Rachel Cicardo
Mackenzie Clark
2. What are the featured stories listed on the home page of the site?
Dallas News and probably every other news web site featured a story about our current Wall street crisis. The article is very long so as to explain in detail to the viewer the specifics on the government's plan of action and the details of how badly these companies stocks have fallen. They feature a box on the main site next to this article stating:
The Dow Jones industrials tacked
a 161-point loss onto a steep drop from Monday.
Bernanke: Act quickly or face recession
Tell us: Is the financial crisis affecting you?
Bush to Adress Nation Tonight with economy Woes

The article also has an AP video(American Press Video-- below) that shows finance experts as well as normal American citizen's opinions on whether or not the government should step in or stay out of it and let these big companies face their bad decisions.
T.O. always hustles; Dallas Cowboys fans slow to notice Dallas Cowboys News Sports News News for Dallas, Texas Dallas Morning News
This site features Sunday night's Cowboy's game against the packers. This is probably on the main web page of Dallas because Dallas residents want to hear highlights from the game. Sports have a way of connecting to a community and get them involved. They even have a site with an open chat for anyone with an email address that wants to give their views of the teams strengths and weaknesses. Around the end of the article you can see off to the side a few other cowboys articles the viewer can click on if they want to read more. It also contains a box with options like a Cowboys photo gallery, wallpapers, and polls for the viewer to also click on

This photo was posted by a dallas news member who went to the last game. Dallas news has a place where readers can look at images and upload their own for others to see. An interesting way of active involvement with the news-consumer and the media
Another important story Dallas News features on their main web page is:
Gasoline supplies are tight in Dallas-Fort Worth News for Dallas, Texas Dallas Morning News Latest News

America in general is very dependent on transportation via car. With these rising gas prices it was smart of them to place this article in the center of the page. When you click on the article you can find headlines like "Don't Panic!" with tips on not panicking and buying as much fuel as possible because that is how we will run out of oil. Another headline stated the "Status of Texas Oil Refineries" containing the oil refineries residing in the gulf such as Valero, Exxon, and Shell along with the estimated amount of days till they are back to normal.
3. Does the site offer a list of the most popular or most emailed articles?

Most Read
Updated Tues 9.23.08
Dallas Cowboys unbeaten and unrivaled this season
Dallas Cowboys' Adam Jones finding rhythm
Most E-mailed
Buttermilk pie: Good Southern home-cooking
Dallas ISD budget woes threaten teachers' job security
Possible mother-daughter team steal wig, hair extensions from Fort Worth store
6 ways to amp up your metabolism to keep weight off
Mexicans feeling pinch as income stream from U.S. slows
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Find foreclosure listings in your neighborhood (16)
DISD Superintendent Hinojosa says deficit is 'humbling situation' (10)
Dallas Cowboys take a Lambeau leap over Green Bay, 27-16 (9)
Authorities identify burglar killed in struggle with Fort Worth couple (8)
Home invasion turns deadly in Tarrant County (8)
4. To what extent does the site incorporate journal- style blogs?
The journal style blogs are located on the right side of the main web page. The different topics include Entertainment, Lifestyles, Recipes, Travel, People, and more. The reporters for each of these have different bloggers and experts writing for each section. For example, the article under Lifestyles named:

8 great merlots for less than $20 News for Dallas, Texas Dallas Morning News Life/Travel
--This is a featured article contributed to the Dallas news by Tina Daze who is a professional wine Critic and connoisseur.
5. Does the site incorporate reader comments or have discussion boards?
Placed around many of the articles are small icon browsers you can click on with options like, "Tell us if this article effects you and your daily life" or "Check out our blog where you can discuss this article and/or give your own testimony," to share with other Dallas news readers and journalists. Underneath articles throughout the website you can see others blogs or postings left by readers for the writer and other viewers to look at and analize.
6. To what extent does the site incorporate multimedia content such as video or audio clips?
This site utilizes media pretty heavily. You can view videos on current topics that are in the news but you have to watch a short ad presented by the sponsor which in this case was Verizon. The ad isn't longer than 20 seconds so the viewer will watch it if they want to see the online video enough. The news gets a win- win when they post videos, because they still make money off of ad- time, and viewers still get to see what they want without unbearable clutters of ads.
I really liked this blog because of the organization the group used. The team neatly placed their top three articles on the blog and gave very good explanations why. Although the Dallas Morning News seems to target mostly Dallas readers, I still found this blog very interesting and fun to read.
I chose to read this blog because I am from Dallas and my whole family lives there so the information is very relevant to my life. After reading the blog I noticed Dallas Morning News web page was much more audience interactive than many news sites. I really liked that readers were able to post pictures (i.e.- the picture from the cowboys game shown on the blog). I also liked that the group posted about the journal style blogs. It is nice, in such a big city, to know good places to go that aren't too expensive. These journal style blogs give people the opportunity to kind of know the experience they will have somewhere before they go so they can choose the best place for themselves. Overall, I thought this blog was well put together and friendly to they eyes.
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