associated with CNN (partnership)
2. A Diamond discovered in the South Africa nation of Lesotho naming it one of the largest quality diamonds found. The 478-carat diamond beats out its past competitors who's carats that were much more larger in carats ranging from 603 carats to 493 carats.
Above is a clip from the movie "Blood Diamond".
Small sized article, story placed under “Latest Headlines”, two images posted of a 478-carot white diamond, 20th largest rough, unearthed diamond.

McCain a lying brute? Trying to win this presidentional election McCain brings out the gloves against Obama. His campaign has been firing false accusations on his oponent's character and even his policies. Perhaps playing dirty could lead to his downfall?
It's a longer article, story placed under “Election ‘08”, one image illustration of McCain, Also links to campaign trial pictures of both McCain and Palin at the end of story. Article on Lies, deception, politics, also filed under most read, popular searchers on the right hand side of front page.

Moderate article not very long, listed under “Latest Headlines”. Moscow story about 12 teenage boys and an older man who made some brutal ethnic attacks, including the murder of chess champion who was a member of Russia's Yakut ethnic group. There are no pictures or video available although attacks were apparently videotaped.
3. Time.com does indeed provide a list of the most popular articles and also the most emailed articles. The difference between these side articles and the featured article, is that these articles are less important and much older in date compared to the current and most important featured article. For instance lets take this article, Meet Dave, the Man Who Never Takes Out the Trash , most popular. Really, I bet if you were just scanning through these articles you would probaly think that this guy is nasty and weird because I know I would. Also topping off the most e-mailed which we find pretty interesting is the article What Happens When We Die?

4. Yes, they incorporate journal style blogs which readers can comment on.
Technology »

The 'Google Phone': A Challenge to the iPhone?
By Anita Hamilton

50 Authentic American Experiences
By Reed Tucker
Swampland: Politics

Obama and McCain on the Bailout: You First!
By Jay Carney
5. TIME.com does incoporate reader comments and other features:
1 Interact with this story
2 Find related stories
3 People who read this also read
6. In the entertainment section, there is a link that offers a wide variety of video clips which include: Newest Videos, U.S. and World related videos, Business & Tech, Global Business, and Health & Science.
I hope that I am posting in the right spot. I think that CNN.COM is strongly engaging. When I originally visited the cite, my first thought was, "That's a lot of clickable links." Everything is well organized, easy to navigate, and labeled accordingly. I would have to say that if I were really into keeping up with the news, CNN.COM would be my first stop.
Normally I would never think of going to Time.com for the latest news but I found the website more diverse than I had previously thought. I found it easy to navigate with a wide range of topics and an excellent photos page. The only negative comment I have is the site appeared to be politically biased but it may have been an irregularity on the day I viewed it. Overall, I think this group did a great job on their blog by using hyperlinks, tons of pictures and the ability to edit the earlier blank space at the bottom.
I found that the Time.com website had a wide variety of topics that were well labeled and easy to recognize. I liked how the site mixes world news with strong ties to the political race and the economys standing.
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