1. CBSNEWS.com
Mark Immler
James Leach
Kimberly Kahanek
Bailey Klatt
Bailey Klatt

2. The Dems Tweak Bailout; Bush Urges Speed is the lead story with a large picture and a bold face article title. The picture is placed to be the first thing that the viewer notices. On the CBS homepage there is a brief summary, as well as options labeled Video, Explore, and Story to further educate yourself on the topic. Once someone is to pull up the CBS website the picture catches your attention right away. The next two articles that grab your attention are Over The Economy and Officials: Pakistan Fires on U.S. Copters. These stories are at the top of the list of articles on the CBS homepage. They are without a picture but still important because of their top rank. The article titles are written in a smaller font than the lead story but also provide a video icon to watch a clip and a place for comments. After viewing the website and articles we found that every so often the homepage refreshes itself and a new story on the list of articles is portrayed as the lead story with a picture and summary.

3. Yes, this site offers a most popular articles list. These articles are primarily political with the exception of one murder/mystery case. This section is broken down into three tabbed categories; Stories, Videos, and Photos.

3. Yes, this site offers a most popular articles list. These articles are primarily political with the exception of one murder/mystery case. This section is broken down into three tabbed categories; Stories, Videos, and Photos.
4. Yes, CBSNEWS.com does incorporate a Blog section on the website. On the main blog site, the blogs are broken down into separate discussion topics including; Couric & Co., Campaign Horserace, From the Road, The Fast Draw, Primary Source, Tech Talk, etc. The blogs are created by CBS News journalists. The journalists write a brief story including their thoughts followed by a comment section that readers have the ability to comment on the journalist blog.
5. CBSNEWS.com has comment sections underneath blogs, opinion pieces, and articles. This allows viewers to express their opinions towards the topics at hand. There is not a typical discussion board for articles, just comment sections that readers can post comments about their opinions on the articles.
6. CBSNEWS.com incorporates multimedia content on most articles. The CBS homepage features a number of video links next to listed articles. As Shown Below.

I think this group did a really good job in organizing the blog. It looks really good and all of the information was good and interesting. I really liked how they put the pictures in and linked so many things. They did a really really good job. Woo Hoo!
Excellent job organizing this post, particularly with the images and all the links.
This group did an awesome job with with assignment. It is organized really well and I found everything interesting and helpful. The pictures and links were perfect!
Good Job!
I appreciate the way the CBSNews.com homepage is organized very simply while still mainainting a layout that is appealing to the eye. The manner in which areas of the site's homepage are grouped according to campaign coverage, media, other news, etc. not only makes it functional, but also keeps the reader engaged and more likely to stay on the site because the ease of navigation due to unobtrusive section boundaries keeps your eyes in one area at a time. Staying true to the CBS News homepage way, this group did an excellent job in laying out its blog. Nice, guys!
I think this group did a great job with the first blog assignment. It's well organized and the information is interesting. I like the placement of the images and all the links they chose to use. Way to go!!!
What really caught my eye about this blog post was the way it was organized. It looks really professional and there's a nice balance between visuals and text.
I like the placement of the photos in this blog. It looks very clean and is really easy to read. My eye went to this blog first because it is so visually appealing. I thought it was interesting that politics topped the most read list. Thanks for providing this information!
I really liked how this group really made there Post very sharp...
they have everything in line and the pictures are at the perfect places.
Also, the infromation provided on the blog was very interseting...
CBS NEWS should cut you a Check for a job well done....
This group did a great job on their blog. The organizing was great and it was easy to find every headline.
I think this post is awesome. It's visually appealing; it contains pictures and links, yet it's simple and organized.
Personally, I didn't watch CBS news until Katie Couric's interviews with Palin began and I certainly don't visit their site. It's mostly links, very few pictures on their site, so nothing really pops out to me, with the exception of the top story. Though I do enjoy the fewer amount of advertisements on their site as opposed to many of the other sites.
Really good job with this post, all the images and links look really good.
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