Monday, September 22, 2008



James Briones
Jack Carlson
Blayne Center
Alyssa Cevallos

The biggest picture on the page is of Barrack Obama. It's placed on the top left corner so it's the first thing you would see when you read it. It's saying how the financial crisis is shifting the campaign towards his favor. To win back the favor McCain need to cast votes on the Bush administration plan.

The second picture is smaller but in the middle right after the Obama story. It's a picture of Treasury chief Paulson. The article is bascially talking about the Bush administration's bailout strategy and how Paulson will temporariliy oversee the entire financial system after they bail out most of the banks.

There isn't a picture for the third article but it's headline is right below the second article so our eyes are drawn right to it. The article is talking about the whole situation of Guantánamo Bay and the rights of the prisoners.

This web page doesn't offer a list of the most popular or most emailed articles.

This site incorporates many styles of blogging but mainly journalistic and not public. Here is an example of a blog posted on this page about the Environment, and another linka about Innovation

The articles did not have disussion boards, but the Blogs did.

The site gives a fair amount of multimedia content.

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