Friday, October 31, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
New Candidate
"Obama" before and after the Debate
This video was the best I could find. I'm not sure who this guy is actually making fun of here.
Terry Tate: Reading Is Fundamental
Wait for the big payoff at the end of the video.
2 Bonus points to each person who posts a politics-oriented comic video to the blog--but only if no one has posted it yet! Let's see what we can get from the right and from the left!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Sex Drive
-Rachel Cicardo -Leah Cicardo -Mckenzie Clark -Shelly Chrisman
The poster is animated which makes the viewer believe that the movie is a comedy. If the film was a drama, romantic, or action it most likely would not have an animated advertisement. In the trailer the introduction of the characters is empahsized along with the genre. Seth Green was in the trailer and was the only star that we recognized. The clip was interesting and very funny,
and motivated us to go and see the movie. It seems to be targeting young adults; males and females who enjoy dim humor .
The poster and the trailer both tell a lot about the movie, but

the poster is much more informative about the actors' names
and backgrounds. While the trailer is more imformative on the
the movie's storyline or plot.

There are many fan sites for this movie, but one of them which in fact
It was very interesting to see how easy and simple it was to download and view the pirated version of this movie. I found 3 websites right away that had easy quick downloads to this movie that has barely hit theatres. To name a few would include:,, and
Sunday, October 19, 2008
James Bond 007: Quantum of Solace

Sara Huckabee
Claudia Huerta
Luke Hinton
Janie Hammonds
The elements most emphasized in the trailer as well as poster are the genre and the suspense. Most of the trailer is comprised of the multiple chase scenes in which every mode of transportation is utilized: on foot, motor cycle, car, boat, helicopter, plane and even swinging from a rope like Spiderman. Almost every weapon you can think of is included in the trailer: Fists, guns, knives, assault rifles, and dynamite. The movie appears to being sold simply as “Bond, 007”. Audiences are already aware that, Bond, 007 = action, adventure, thriller, suspense, prominence, beautiful women and sex. There are multiple trailers available but they all seem to apply the same approach.

The website displays a variety of different information about this upcoming movie.


Max Payne
Olga Panova

The official site for the film is The site provides the links where you can find a lot of useful information about the movie. You can find phots, bio about movie, 2 trailers, downloads for your desktop, aim icons or mobile phone, concept art and you can even buy tickets for the movie.

High School Musical 3: Senior Year
Jenna Condit

The official site for HSM 3 may very well be the happiest movie site there is. Welcomed with the songs that will soon be topping the charts, the contents of this website give it's users everything and more. The contents not only describe the movie, but you get to see an official movie trailer, options to reserve your movie tickets, a countdown to the premier, downloads of movie stills, a chance to get your first listen to some of the music featured on the soundtrack, and much more!
If the official site for HSM 3 wasn't enough, don't fear, we have found a site that claims to be the "first and best source for High School Musical." This site describes each individual character and has extra pictures, movie trials, and interviews of the cast. Still wanting more? Check out this one! This website gives the scoop on the cast and an update on any news regarding the movie. The site also allows you to stay current on the latest movements of your favorite celebrities as well as photos to compliment them. Also, if you want to post any information you might know you can, as well as sign up to receive updates for yourself.

As for pirated websites, our group was unable to find the HSM 3 movie itself. We did though find a site that had other movies we could illegally download. The site is called On this site, you can download movies, television shows, documentaries, anime, and music videos.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Role Models

Leigh Rodrigue
A.J. Scherer
Drew Parker
Katie Savage
Role Models is a movie written by Paul Rudd and directed by David Wain. It is due out in theatres on November 7th. Both the poster and the trailer emphasize the two stars of the movie Paul Rudd and Seann William Scott. However, they also emphasize the genre of the movie as well. This movie is a comedy geared towards their target audience which is the 18 to 35 age group.
The official Role Models website has an impressive amount of content for fans. Some of which include both myspace and facebook options for becoming a friend, a link to the director's website, ringtones, a photo gallery, games, videos, and of course the trailer for the film.
Suprisingly, many websites have already reviewed the film. Some of these include the movie blog at,, and a great review at All of the reviews so far have been positive with IGN giving the movie a 9.0 out of 10. More information on the cast and the plot can be found at the IMDB.
There are currently no pirated versions of Role Models available. We checked popular bittorrent sites such as the pirate bay, torrentz, and mininova. The film was on none of these popular P2P websites. Although, a pirated copy of the film will come out eventually once the movie comes to theatres.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The Secret Life of Bees

Brandon Arnold
Shawn Blair
Kathy Bowman
The Official Site of the movie has an incredible amount of features. When you first acces the site, the trailer for the movie plays. Once you enter the site, there's a music pla

Some additional information on the film including plot overview, critic reviews, and fan reviews can be rea

We checked a couple of sites, but couldn't find an actual copy of the movie online as of Thursday afternoon, though with the movie release on October 17th, this could change. Some sites we visited were The Pirate Bay, BT Junkie, and Watch
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Saw V
Mark Immler
Bailey Klatt
James Leach
Kimberly Kahanek

The official site for this film is located at Upon entering the official site the administrator has separated it between a restricted version and a version for minors. The official site offers picture galleries, information about the story of Saw series, blood drive information, and a mash up section that allows you to create your own trailer.
Merchandise for Saw V can be found at This website is the official Saw V Auction where props, wardrobes, autographs, etc. are sold through eBay. A very popular fan site is This site allows viewers to post comments, download posters and Myspace skins, as well as, get screen savers for PC/ MAC computers. This is an extemely easy website to navigate and get the latest information on Saw 5!
After some vigerous searching we found Saw V online on a torrent download site called The torrent download was posted on October second which seemed unusual because the movie wasn't in theaters. After checking further, we fou


As a group, we were unable to find any pirated versions of the film, in such sites as Movie6. On the other hand, were able to find different critical reviews such as the Movie-Fanatic Review, which comments on the newest trailer just recently distributed. VMan Magazine has an article with pictures of the male cast showcasing a preview of the film. The Hollywood Reporter also dishes on the pros and cons of the franchise, while Reelz Channel has a new video which guides those interested about the cast and characters of the Twilight phenomenon.
W. - Matthew Scherer, Robert Stephens, Robert Uribe, Daniel Schorlemmer

Both the poster and the trailer emphasize the tongue in cheek satire of the movie, which is a parody of George W Bush and how he became President of the United States. The movie is being sold on the emphasis of George Bush's presidency which many people disapprove of. The films target audience are people who don't support Bush or feel that his presidency has accomplished anything. The poster doesn't have any people featured in it. It just consists of a large W and various quotes made by the President. These quotes aren't favorable to his character. The trailer focused more on showing scenes from the actual film. They're using the same approach as far as highlighting his negative moments.
Here is the link to the official site. The site was constructed by Flash. It's layout contains the trailer, info about the film, a photo gallery, cast, crew, and downloads. The photo gallery contains still shots from the movie. Everytime you open the page you are greeted with a different humorous picture. We suggest trying it.
The imdb already has critical reviews submitted for the film by it's users. The films official site has wallpapers available for free download. Other than that, there isn't much additional material on the film yet.
We checked several sites for a pirated version of the film but we couldn't find it. We checked the following sites: 66 stage, project free Tv, and Most of the time these sites offer pirated movies that are currently in theaters, but in the case of this film we couldn't find it.
Zack and Miri Make a Porno

On, browsers will immediately be greeted by an "Age Verificatio

As far as pirated versions of the movie, torrent sites like IsoHunt and Torrent Reactor claim to already have versions of the movie even before its October 31st release date. We're sure more of these will pop up soon on other torrent sits.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Internet Radio

Anywhere you see this icon, just click and start your listening experience.

AccuRadio was named the winner of the 2008 "People's Voice" Webby Award for "Best Radio"
SomaFM: Do you have great taste in music?

Leigh Rodrigue
Aj Scherer
Drew Parker
Katie Savage

The listener has limited control of what music is played. To listen to a song first pick the genre you want to hear then you must click on that station, which then takes you to a streaming broadcast. Users are unable to skip or listen to previous songs but a song history is offered with links to if you wish to purchase it. The site is interactive in the fact that it links to a site "yelp" that listeners can blog about their opinions on the music and website in general.

SomaFM is a non profit station but will happily take donations to continue their service. With a $50 donation you will receive an awesome SomaFM t-shirt. "Show the world you support SomaFM and have great taste in music! " This site allows listeners to enjoy their music with a commercial free atmosphere. You can not buy music directly, just click on the link to purchase.
We have never heard of almost all of the genres offered by SomaFM. It provides Groove Salad, Space Station Soma, Beat Blender, Boot Liquor, Doomed, and a few more. Although you will recognize some of the artists, such as Johnny Cash and Death Cab for Cutie, you can broaden your horizons to new music you may end up loving. There are no celebrity playlists or stations because this is mainly music not played on radios or TV that no one has ever heard of.