Christina Linehan ~ Bobby Lewis ~ Erica Longoria
Changeling is a film set in Los Angeles in the late 1920's. The film is based on a true story of a women who believes the son returned to her after a kidnapping is not her son. The movie was written by Micheal Straczynski and directed by Clint Eastwood. When researching Changeling we found that the most emphasized in the posters and the trailers is the Star of the movie, Angelina Jolie. On their main poster you see just her main head and a small figure of a child below. Though the trailer shows more than just her, throughout the trailer you mainly hear Jolie speaking throughout clips of her struggle to find her son. On the surface we found that they used the fact that she’s an Academy Award winner to really push how great this film should be, however they also pushed her as a selling tool for the movie because the director felt she greatly portrayed the 20’s feel of the movie. The poster itself depicts her as an academy award winner, really pushing that a great actress stars in this thriller about finding her son, appealing to mothers, as Jolie is portrayed as a strong womanly figure. The trailer then reinforces the concept of a mother struggling to find her lost son, going up against a system, not only appealing to mothers, but to those who’ve struggled to overcome a large system. The trailer also pushes the genre of the movie as a thriller based on a true story, from the background music, to quick flashes of her struggle; viewers greatly get the sense of the genre of a suspenseful story. Since it is portrayed as a thriller based on a true story, viewers know it will be more than just low level b horror movie but instead of a real problem. All together, we don’t feel that there is a large significant difference in the poster and the trailer as they work together to intrigue audiences to see the film.
The Official Site for the film, only again reinforces the idea of a mother standing alone against everyone else in hopes of being reunited with her lost son. When you first enter the site, the background is actually the poster for the movie. It’s in that first glance upon the poster where you understand why Clint Eastwood chose Jolie for the role. You then are able to choose to enter the U.S. site where you are given a quick trailer of the movie, shortly after a screen pops up where you see Jolie as a main figure while options appear about the movie.
Cannes Review offers a critical review as well as a brief synopsis of the film. This site links to some tangential sites that cover everything from "blog style" reviews (Blogging Sundance) to an article about an Angelina Jolie doll that recently sold on eBay. Rotten Tomatoes is a site that provides reviews from both "top" critics and site readers. Finding additional information requires a bit of digging since the film has yet to be released, there are other releases with the same title and merchandise has yet to be sold (unless you want a poster). There is a lot to say about the historical premise of the movie (for example, an article in the LA Times) but be warned…it might spoil the plot. In the meantime, you can always check out behind the scene photos, preorder the DVD, or become best friends on Facebook.
It seems that P2P networking is a common resource for those interested in pirating movies. (streamline searches within P2P networks) and (requires software) are a couple of places one can look for free downloads, but we were unsuccessful in finding Changeling. There is plenty of information about legal downloads out there, but of course none of it was helpful in our quest. If we learned anything, it is that our hacking abilities are worthless and purchasing a ticket is our only hope to see this movie.
This movie, I believe, will be well received because of the cast and the actual story. Angelina's portrayal of this lady seems to be Oscar worthy. Also, with Clint Eastwood as a director this film is certain to be well directed and his recent success as a director will give the film major credibility. I think too that the Wineville Chicken Murders, of which this film is based will peak the publics interest to see the film.
It is not my favorite movie genre but, I still think it will have an interesting story line.
This group did a great job summarizing the movie and pointing out interesting details. I am intersted to watch the movie because of your groups information. The facts in which the story is based add's more intest to watch the movie right when it comes out!! Great work!
I believe that this movie will be supsrisingly good. Due to it's cast. Just like lindsey said, you can't go wrong with Clint Eastwood. This group did a great job with visual presentation and all the links. Great job on summarizing everything.
Angelina Jolie is definitely the marketing tool for this movie because she is a highly successful and well known actress who is always in demand. Also, the fact that this is a role very different from all her others will attract fans and viewers who are curious as to how well she will perform. This group did an excellent job analyzing the selling strategies for this movie.
It is sure to be a well made and highly stylized film that would be just as well without Jolie. I enjoyed the link to the LA Times article so facts and plot wont get in the way of watching it.
The group did a very good job. The layout draws the reader in. I like the way that all of the links are conveniently together in the bottom paragraph. I think the post was well done.
When i saw the preview for this movie on TV, I was a little bit lost. But this blog explained the plot really clearly. It told a lot about the film, the actors, and the characters. Well done
-Rachel Cicardo
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