Leigh Rodrigue
A.J. Scherer
Drew Parker
Katie Savage
Role Models is a movie written by Paul Rudd and directed by David Wain. It is due out in theatres on November 7th. Both the poster and the trailer emphasize the two stars of the movie Paul Rudd and Seann William Scott. However, they also emphasize the genre of the movie as well. This movie is a comedy geared towards their target audience which is the 18 to 35 age group.
The official Role Models website has an impressive amount of content for fans. Some of which include both myspace and facebook options for becoming a friend, a link to the director's website, ringtones, a photo gallery, games, videos, and of course the trailer for the film.
Suprisingly, many websites have already reviewed the film. Some of these include the movie blog at ugo.com, cinematical.com, and a great review at IGN.com. All of the reviews so far have been positive with IGN giving the movie a 9.0 out of 10. More information on the cast and the plot can be found at the IMDB.
There are currently no pirated versions of Role Models available. We checked popular bittorrent sites such as the pirate bay, torrentz, and mininova. The film was on none of these popular P2P websites. Although, a pirated copy of the film will come out eventually once the movie comes to theatres.
I think this movie will be great. David Wain is a good writer and so is Paul Rudd. I always enjoy this kind of movie.
ive seen the trailer on this movie and it seems to be one that is right up my aly
After watching the trailer, this movie has some pretty funny parts like the young kid slapping Sean William Scott in the face. It looks like a good comedy, but I would probably wait to rent this film on DVD.
Love Paul Rudd. Love that he wrote this film. I'll see it because of the cast(sure there will be good appearances too).And who doesn't like an easy funny movie? Yeah we forget about them but good for an hour and a half. I enjoyed the Sturdy Wings info page which included daily quotes, mission statement etc. Good stuff.
I've heard alot about this movie, but I hadn't seen the trailer yet. After watching this trailer, a different one came on TV! I thinking I will absolutely see this movie. I believe that any movie that has a combo of Paul Rudd, Sean William Scott, and a smart-alec kid is a recipe for success. Some of the BEST movies have those two actors in there! Sometimes, you get lucky with movies (my example? Finding Sarah Marshall) that are just as funny in the theatre and even funnier once you get the DVD and find out all the bloopers and what not. I am sure that I will spend my hard-earned $4 on a movie ticket for this one.
I hadn't really heard much about this movie, but after watching the trailer, I think I'd probably go watch it once it hit the dollar theater. There are some clever and funny lines in the trailer [when Rudd is arguing with the barista], but the plot doesn't really appeal to me. And I think Seann William Scott is a doofus. The only thing that would get me into the theater to see this is my love for Paul Rudd.
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