Leigh Rodrigue
Aj Scherer
Drew Parker
Katie Savage

The listener has limited control of what music is played. To listen to a song first pick the genre you want to hear then you must click on that station, which then takes you to a streaming broadcast. Users are unable to skip or listen to previous songs but a song history is offered with links to amazon.com if you wish to purchase it. The site is interactive in the fact that it links to a site "yelp" that listeners can blog about their opinions on the music and website in general.

SomaFM is a non profit station but will happily take donations to continue their service. With a $50 donation you will receive an awesome SomaFM t-shirt. "Show the world you support SomaFM and have great taste in music! " This site allows listeners to enjoy their music with a commercial free atmosphere. You can not buy music directly, just click on the amazon.com link to purchase.
We have never heard of almost all of the genres offered by SomaFM. It provides Groove Salad, Space Station Soma, Beat Blender, Boot Liquor, Doomed, and a few more. Although you will recognize some of the artists, such as Johnny Cash and Death Cab for Cutie, you can broaden your horizons to new music you may end up loving. There are no celebrity playlists or stations because this is mainly music not played on radios or TV that no one has ever heard of.

We think the whole website is pretty unique, the graphics are paired incredibly well with the music provided by that particular station. The summaries are entertaining and describe the music to a T. The best feature is it's all around original and you probably won't find another free music website like it.
I guess it quickly becomes obvious that this is not a station for everyone. It is dedicated to underground electronic music. The group did a good job of explaining what the user can expect when using this site. This "service" actually started out as a pirate radio station airing during a huge music festival out west and snowballed from there. Being a fan of underground music (san francisco's scene more specifically) and "pirates" in general, i thought the group did a good job and am looking forward to using the service.
My experience with internet radio was with established stations that streamed their broadcast on the web for people outside the broadcast area, these are completely something else. I wonder if the name is a drug reference, will it be relaxing and addictive? This site at first glance seems cluttered and hard to follow. I liked how it gives a choice of players and formats to listen with, but without an embedded player it takes my machine a while to switch between the channels and play again. This site is designed for the "alternative" and listeners should expect to hear little known artists. If you were looking for something in particular move on because there is no search or skip feature.
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