Wednesday, December 10, 2008

back on topps

During the webisodes of back on topps it was always brought to you by skype. Skype is a internet phone service that lets you talk to people online will using a web cam.
Through out the entire series the sklar bro's use skype for either talking to each other or talking to pro athletes such as Greg Oden or Julio franko, who they did about 5 episodes about

They even reference mobi tv on their phones, during a couple of episodes, it sounded alot like the 30 rock youtube clip.

Before i ever watched this web series i new the sklar bro's through espn, and for the fact that they guest host the JIM ROME SHOW which is amazing and has serious product integration, really just listen his sponser plugs are sometimes ridiculous, but the web series is all about integration with skype, topps (card company for those who may read but not no), and for the shamless plugs that are sponser drivin. Good show, good itergation.

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