Monday, December 8, 2008

Clean Your Mouth (raspberry orbit gum)

2.) At first there are no signs of a hard sell, they are just arguing calling each other names. They don't mention any product but you can see them chewing the gum. As the argument goes on you can notice them chewing the gum. Then at the end the "Orbit Lady" mentions, to get the dirties mouth clean, chew new raspberry orbit gum. Also at the bottom of the screen at the end it sums up what the ad for Orbit is designed to do.

3.) In the beginning, all it is a woman walking in on her husband and at first the ad is confusing. You don’t really know what the ad is about until the very end when they say turn this situation around with Orbit gum…also you can notice a shot of the three people happily together smiling with a sparkle in the midst of the smile and punch line.

4.) I do believe that with the use of humor you get the feeling to try the gum. This ad appeals to more than one person but really tries to capitalize on the fact of turning this nasty moment around with the new flavor of Orbit Gum. This kind of soft sell leaves you puzzled until you see the Orbit Gum, then it may not necessarily make you want to go buy the gum right then and there but you do remember it!

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