Sunday, December 7, 2008

Baby Come Back

Lauren Graham

2. In the beginning of the commercial, the sales clerk slips into the conversation that the Swiffer starter kit is money back gauranteed. Also, by showing the product being used, it seems like the company is trying to show that the product actually does work and it works well. They also state that the Swiffer is gauranteed to clean better than your average mop and broom.

3. By having the mop and the broom "pop out" from the aisle and the potatoes, the ad is displaying some soft sell characteristics. Also, the conversation in the beginning between the costumer and the sales clerk has subtle messaging when the clerk says that the costumer will never want to go back to her old mop and broom again.

4. I definetly feel that the ad can apply to many different types of people. By having humor in the beginning and the end of the ad, people are amused by the commercial and therefore possibly more interested in the product. Also, the use of music adds to the commercial.

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