Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Honda Christmas Commercial- Jill Wilson

This recent Honda commercial was made on November 25, 2008. It really caught my attention because it wasn't your typical "pushy" car commerical which is very common because of the economy right now. This commercial was very "soft sell" in my opinion. I didn't really see much "hard sell" in this commerical, but if I really had to look closely for some, I would say that when the commercial states, "For great leases and low financing, depend on your Honda dealer. Go to shop for details," it could possibly be taken as "hard sell." This is because someone may feel like they are telling us for great leases and low financing, we should purchase a vehicle from Honda only. There was way more "soft sell" in this ad, and that is what I really liked about it. The music they chose makes you feel at ease, and just the fact that this family is donating food to charity, makes you feel "cozy" inside, and gets you in the holiday spirit. Also, the fact that the Dad and the son are doing this together during Christmas, it can relate to one's personal memorable moments similar to these spent with a parent on Christmas. At the end when they are advertising, they say "Happy Honda Days," which softly incorporates Christmas into their brand name. As well as using a little wrapped present as the icon for I feel the ad tries to make us feel calm and happy for the holiday season. It wants us to feel comfortable and trusting of the Honda dealerships.

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