Advertising with a conscience about how image manipulation works to sell unattainable beauty--great approach to a "responsible" brand identity.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
American Idol - Top 11 - Should I stay or Should I go - Ford
Product integration gone wild! So cheap and easy.
1984 Apple's Macintosh Commercial
The Superbowl ad that made the Superbowl so Super! (for ads anyway)
Monday, November 17, 2008
Blog # 5
Luke Hinton
Sara Huckabee
Claudia Huerta
1.) After looking around we noticed a good variety of current shows. We found a new episode of The Office which airs on Thursday nights on NBC. It is presented with many options for your viewing pleasure. On the left side they list options like embed, share, and details of the specific episode. On the right side of the screen it lists options for a full screen, pop out screen lower lights or high resolution. This episode opened with a Kiva financial ad and ten minutes in we were presented with a Blackberry ad we noticed one more five minutes after that also. Towards the bottom of the page it listed five episodes you can watch from the new season. Also it gave 149 clips from The office, as well as 7 webisodes. There were also discussions included on this page. also offers info about the episodes like the air date, user ratings, runtime and recommended shows you can watch next.
The presentation of this episode was clear with few advertising interruptions. All of the options included are very useful and user friendly. We used the high resolution with the full screen to watch this episode. It also gave bullets on the bottom of the screen with different scenes to let you know where you are in the is a great place to go if you miss one of your shows and don’t have Tivo.
2) When I went to for this assignment, I searched “Grey’s Anatomy Full Episodes” and many other arrangements of key words with the mindset that I would find a full episode. However, all I was able to find were clips from different episodes from the many seasons of this show that airs on ABC every Thursday night at 9 p.m. This video is presented like any other YouTube video on the web. The title was “Greys Anatomy Season 5 Episode 8 – Part 1_6 [HQ],” which is a very recent episode from this season. Like all other YouTube videos, I was able to enlarge the video screen to make it fit my entire computer screen. One thing different that did stand out on this video clip is that the whole time the video was playing, there was a web address at the top of the screen that said “Full Episodes @” I actually went to this website just to see what it was all about and it asked me to download a video player called “Zango” to my computer to be able to access many full, free episodes of television shows. I did not trust this website, so I did not download it. A random fan, not a network, posted this video clip on YouTube, which probably explains why the clip only ran for 6 minutes and 56 seconds. Their user name is “snactec25.”
YouTube - Greys Anatomy Season 5 Episode 8 - Part 1_6 [HQ]
(to view the clip, CTRL + click to follow link)
Here is the embed code as well, if you need it:
3. Hulu is more structured around tv shows and movies, and even offer channel viewing, whereas Youtube is geared toward home video-type and other short clips. However, it is obvious that they are moving more towards centering around tv and movie viewing. Youtube is providing more full length episodes of regular tv shows. Although, Hulu obviously has Youtube beat on that. Advantages of Hulu vs. Youtube: Hulu is more structured (not as cluttered, cleaner), Hulu has more viewing options, Youtube offers more of a variety, in that you can find anything and everything, Youtube does not have ads before the clips.Youtube becoming more like Hulu may become a good thing. People like structure, and providing more of that, like Hulu,can increase views. People will also possibly begin to watch full episodes and movies on Youtube, instead of the network website or Hulu because that is what they are familiar with.
New Media
The Simpsons- Treehouse of Horror #19
After clicking on the link to get to show, there is a list of all the full episodes from the current seasons. Also there are clips from other popular episodes from previous seasons. Under the links to clips and episodes there is a places for user comments and a separate section for user reviews. Around the screen there are buttons to embed, share, for details, full screen, pop out, and hi-res. The page is set up very user friendly and is easy to navigate. At the beginning of the show and through there are ads for different things.
The Simpsons Youtube
You can watch full episodes but they are broken into different parts that are not always complete. The episode is posted from a fan of the show not from the producers. The quality is not very good. There is a button for full screen, and user ratings and comments. To find the clip you want there is not a clear easy way to get to it you have to search and hope it comes up. The are no ads in the clips its self but there are some around the page.
Youtube vs. Hulu
Hulu has better quality video than you tube and more options for viewing the video and full episodes but is full of ads. I think that the youtube is being greedy trying to get into the same field as hulu and are getting to far away from what made them popular in the first place.
Leigh Rodrigue A.J. Scherer Drew Parker Katie Savage
Sunday, November 16, 2008
YouTube or Hulu?
Kathy Bowman
Shawn Blair

Hulu VS. YouTube
Justin Wegner
Daniel Villarreal
1. The show we chose to watch on was The Office. The latest episode titled "Business Trip" was available so we gave it a shot. Before the show began, there was an advertisement saying that this particular replay was sponsored by The American Red Cross. Strangely enough, for this particular show, at the points where there would be advertisements, it would skip them and go right back to the episode. The counter that says "This show will resume in __ seconds" would zip by really quick and would only show a quick second of the ad even though it said the episode would resume in as long as 45 seconds. Scrolling to the bottom of the page, one is overwhelmed by the content offered on the site including links to other episodes of The Office, popular short clips from the show, show created webisodes that feature cast members from actual show that serve to supplement the core material, user ratings on the show and discussions. Also there are plenty of viewing options such as enlarging the screen, embedding the video into a blog, lighting and choices for the resolution you want to watch it in. Lots of good stuff.
2. It was really hard for us to find a full length episode of anything on YouTube. Instead, you can find episodes of shows like Grey's Anatomy in segments marked "Season __, Episode __, Part 1 or __" for example. We posted a first segment of an episode of Grey's Anatomy. Not to mention the video is usually of poor quality and its not even straight from YouTube most of the time. Sometimes it will even tell you "originally found on ____". The only real viewing option you get with YouTube is the choice of seeing it in full screen, which really doesn't help the quality.
3. Both sites are great in their own right. YouTube is known for hosting tons of user based content, and is a great source for full length episodes and clips of popular TV shows. YouTube's reform is definitely a must if they're going to keep up with the loads of high quality, first party content hosted by Hulu. YouTube was founded on the idea of hosting user created content so it doesn't need to change in that respect, but if people want TV shows and movies on the web, YouTube needs to do something to make sure they can compete if they plan on longevity.
New Media
Christina Linehan
Erica Longoria
Mckenzie Clark
1.At the beginning of the episode of the Saturday Night Live Episode with John McCain, there was a commercial before the video uploaded for a black berry from Verison Wireless. It was very short and to the point. While the episode was playing, a still advertisement of Verizon remained at the top of the program. It was presented to me when I first logged on to the site. When I watched it it was exactly as if I was to watch it on the television. It displayed most popoular channels with an thumbnail of the episode and title. There were not advertisers in the main screen like there are with other websites. There were not any user comments or ads besides the one verizon advertisement that I saw. Also, there werent any pop ups which was nice. We also found all together that the overall quality of the video clip was very nice and not distorted like some are through youtube. The overall experience with hulu proved to be just like watching tv, great quality matched with easy "clip searching".
2. Finding a complete episode of a current show on YouTube was not too difficult as long as one is willing to watch it in separate snippets. The episode we chose for this portion of the blog was Survivor (CBS), as it has a loyal following of viewers. The “complete” episode that we found was Episode 9 and was posted by a fan that actually has a “channel” on YouTube. Clicking on the fan’s name allowed us to find their channel, which in our opinion made it easier to see the episode (since the episode chunks were arranged in sequential order).

3.After reviewing both sites we decided there are some major differences between Hulu and YouTube, but that they are good differences. Hulu is much cleaner and easier on your eyes, where as YouTube has stuff all over the place. However, these sites were built with different appraoches in mind. YouTube was made so people could "broadcast themselves" and it has worked wonderfully! People from all over the globe are doing so and others from all over the globe are watching them. Hulu, on the other hand, was basically created to show full length TV episodes and movies. Hulu is doing a great job at that; it is easy to get on, find what you want to watch, and watch it. Clean, fast, and easy. YouTube trying to mimmic Hulu in this manner could definitely help them out and bring them back up. However, lots of YouTube becoming more like Hulu is going to involve cleaning up the site and the content that is available...and I know most people do not really want that. Many have been going on YouTube to find funny clips and much, much more for a while now and if all of that was gone it just would not be the same old YouTube. Adding full length movies television episodes to YouTube sounds like it would be great, I just hope in the process of changing YouTube we do not loose lots of what we love about the site.

Family Guy: The Man With Two Brains
It was an all around good experience and remains unmatched as far as viewing on a computer. However, if I can watch on a tv opposed to a computer I will. Watching through Hulu is a great alternative though.
Friday, November 14, 2008
New Media Blog # 5
Jenna Condit
Sarah Crowe
Natalie Couling
1. We decided to pick an episode on called ER, which is from NBC. This particular website features a full length episode called Heal Thyself. Before you begin to watch the show, commercials appear. Throughout the actual episode there are commercials as well, such as campaign ads, business ads, and more. Also, around the actual clip itself, there are different viewing options such as full screen, lighting, etc. Toward the bottom of the page, there are different options like discussion, reviews, and other related videos.The discussion boards allow you and other viewers to discuss what you liked and didn't like about the show and the reviews give you a perspective about what others liked about the show. You can rate the videos as well.
2. One of the shows we found on was Family Guy. The site offers all different kinds of clips of the show as well as episodes broken up into several different parts. You can maximize the size of the clip to fit your screen and you have control of going back or forwarding through it. You can also leave comments and reply to other users about the clip. A lot of the Family Guy videos found were posted by KTLA, which is a video website out of Los Angeles, or
3. Having looked at both Hulu and YouTube, it is evident why YouTube’s transformation may be necessary for it to stay with its competition. The most obvious advantage or “perk” to the Hulu website is its ability to show whole movies and entire seasons/episodes of television shows. YouTube only has the ability to show clips of a movie or television episode that may or may not have already been tampered with by whoever posted it. However, YouTube has a uniqueness to its website that Hulu doesn’t compare too. YouTubes motto, (found underneath the logo), is “Broadcast Yourself”. Around the globe individuals and their friends have the ability to make one of a kind videos and post them on YouTube for the rest of the world to see. It is here where classic videos such as the “Evolution of Dance” are found made into classics. YouTube also provides music videos or still videos that play music, so if there is a song you want to hear and you are not ready to buy the CD, you can hear it on YouTube. A major disadvantage to YouTube that Hulu has mastered, however, is its organization of content. Yes, YouTube has genres for its videos and ways to “narrow” your search, but it’s that feeling of “how many videos are on here” that Hulu seems to answer. Let’s give an example. I want to watch the movie “Raising Arizona”. Hulu has a feature that alphabetizes all of the movies it has available. Not to mention if it’s just a clip of the movie or the feature film itself. Knowing what movies are available to watch narrows my search and ultimately makes it easier to find what I’m looking for, in no time. YouTube, on the other hand, doesn’t tell me if the movie is available, or if it’s the movie at all. Often times it’s the trailer or a clip, and sometimes it’s someone’s video that they may have named “Raising Arizona” that has no relevance to the movie whatsoever. Hulu also has a feature called “lower lights or raise lights”. When watching a movie or television episode, you have the ability to lower the lights that may be present on the rest of the webpage that may be distracting. As mentioned above, it is evident why Hulu remains on top in popularity over YouTube. YouTube’s decision to become more like Hulu has both positive perks and negative ones. An overall “cleanup” of YouTube would be the most important factor. To sift through videos and properly categorize them would make a world of difference to its users. Also, if there are movies or movie clips that can be found, they should be put into a movie category, again, in a more organized, professional manner. However, becoming more like Hulu could take away the uniqueness of YouTube. As stated earlier, YouTube gives its users the ability to post homemade video of whatever they want. If this right were to be taken away then what would be the point of “Broadcasting Yourself?” You wouldn’t be able to. If and when YouTube decides to make movies available, along with featuring homemade videos, then YouTube would not only keep its unique feature to “Broadcast Yourself”, but it would have the movie features that make Hulu unique and in the end, could very well come out on top.
Hulu vs.YouTube
Olga Panova
Avery Merrifield
We went to YouTube and tried to look up Heroes or any full episodes of shows on NBC. It was really difficult to sift through all of the previews and parodies to find any full episodes of shows. We found a short clip of a Heroes episode that was posted by The only links on YouTube were to other clips related to the show but there were no ads or commercials. We noticed that you really need to know what you are looking for on YouTube because there is so much information there and it’s very cluttered. There are places for you to comment but the comments are less detailed than the discussion portion on Hulu.
One of the first advantages of Hulu that we noticed is how cohesive and organized it looked. Episodes and shows were very easy to find and the quality of the picture was really good. The site was so convenient and easy to navigate through. The downside of Hulu is that there is no real creativity and it is made mainly just for viewing. You can’t see the interpretation of the show through other’s eyes. YouTube is very unique and serves a different purpose than Hulu does. Hulu already exists so there doesn’t need to be a duplicate of the same site. YouTube is more personal and social and is made for people by people. The downside to YouTube is that it is near impossible to find what you are looking for if you aren’t really specific because there are so many clips. The picture isn’t always clear on some of the videos that are obviously home made and there is no option to better the definition. However, we feel that if you change YouTube too much it will alter the overall essence of what it was created for, a platform for individual expression.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Lauren Graham
Kristin Gronke
Courtney Hall
2. One of the shows that we found was America's Next Top Model, it offers the full episodes but in five different parts about 8 to 10 minutes each. offers a high quality viewing options on certain clips and can maximize the viewing of the clips. The clips of the show were posted by a fan from Belgium who actually has episodes of present seasons as well as past seasons. You can also leave comments and reply to other users about a clip.
3. In comparison to, has a better video and sound quality and takes seconds to upload. has about two to three 15 second advertisements promoting different products such as: Swiffer and Olay commercials. has a cleaner and better organized format, where as looks less professional. YouTube becoming more like Hulu can be a good thing if it does offer full length tv shows and movies, but what makes YouTube unique is that users can upload their own fan made videos. It's just more of a creative outlet than Hulu. VS - The Showdown
Bailey Klatt
We found it more difficult to find complete episodes of television programming on In fact, some clips are quite misleading. When searching for a complete House episode, we found one that was listed as a full episode in the title. Once we began viewing the video we discovered found the episode was under three minutes long. At the bottom of the episode was a url banner for a third party web site that supposedly shows the full episodes. It was a video ad for another streaming video site. We though this was hard evidence against the validity of YouTube in a sense that there titles don't neccesarily describe what the video is about. There is limited or no regulation as well with misleading video titles. I think this is because the videos are mostly shown by third party users or just regular people online. Another qualm about YouTube we had was when we were again searching for a full episode of House. We found one but it had been removed due to copyright infringement. So why did that video come up when we searched? It should have been completely removed from their video database.
Both sites are great but different. Hulu offers quality professionally produced videos in their entirety at the cost of having to sit through a couple ads. Hulu's site is organized and clean. Its easy to use and has great content. YouTube provides an amateure video outlet that is often entertaining and creative. You know what your getting when you go to Hulu while with YouTube its up in the air. I think YouTube moving toward becoming more like Hulu is ok as long as they don't change the original site too much and what we have come to love from it. YouTube needs to maintain its reputation as an creative outlet that presents itself as being owned by the users of the sites. The users make the content and therefore make the site. They could create a branch of YouTube for the professional videos instead of throwing them in the mix with all the other stuff. They could gain more fans with more content, but lets not lose fans in the process.
Family Guy
James Briones
Jack Carlson
Hulu is a lot more proffesional and not as cluttered as Youtube. You have many tools available like embedding, full screen, hi-res, and dimming the lights. There don't seem to be user comments per episode, but there are comments on the whole series and reviews for each clip. There are also several related links under each clip.
Obviously we could not find a full video of the episode on Youtube, and the one we found was poor quality (really really poor). It was posted by some random fan. There are tools to embed, link, and comments, but nothing really unique.
Hulu is better in general; it has better quality and it's more streamlined. It only has shows from TV though, whereas Youtube allows user created stuff (some of which is good) to be posted, but it's hard to find actual episodes of shows or movies. So youtube becoming more like hulu could be a good thing is they keep user content on it but also have quality TV shows and movies to see.
Youtube MGM - Matthew Scherer, Robert Stephens, Robert Uribe
There are limited commercials embedded in the video. The episode is about the usual sci-fi themes presented in the show. By the limited amount of commercials it is really an advantage to the viewer to watch there shows on hulu.
2.The clip was posted by a random fan as opposed to the actual network who does have a youtube channel. It is presented in the usual youtube video style, with not so great of quality, as opposed to hulu's wide screen clarity. There are some Advertisements on the sides of the video but not really any commercials in the video.
3. Hulu can show lengthier clips and shows and even movies. The quality of hulu is far superior to that of youtube. However, if it's just a clip or segment of a film that you want it's easier to just look it up on youtube. We think that youtube becoming like hulu would really give the site more structure and give youtube a really good makeover.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Courtney Cooper's TV blog
1. This was not a typical day in terms of my weekly viewing habits. I normally do not watch television and when I do, it is maybe 2 days a week for thirty minutes to an hour. However, the shows recorded on the sheet are the shows I watch when I do tune in. I watched Family Guy, George Lopez, and Whose Line is it Anyway? However, I missed Home Improvement and Family Matters because I had other homework to do. Normally, I wouldn't mind, but since I watched many of the other shows I enjoy, I felt the need to view all of them. I actually don't know how to use recording devices for my television since I don't watch it very much.
2. All of the TV I watched was by myself at my house on live, not recorded, television.
3. Instead of writing down TV as I watched it, I planned what shows I would watch and for how long. Having to write down what programs I watched in a chart prompted me to pre-plan and organize my viewing. This advance planning allowed me to watch all the programs I enjoy instead of just tuning in to one and going to do something else. Because of this effect on my viewing, I tend to believe that the reliability of journals like this is not great.
Iniquitous and Slanted
During the evening as election results rolled in most Americans were assured that Barak Obama would be elected President of the United States by 8pm EST. Fox News called the victory for Obama shortly thereafter. While Fox correspondents connived how the Democratic party could be divided, the bottom third of the TV screen scrolled through the election returns. I want to know how close to the truth the Fox broadcast came in reporting results. I suspect that Fox systematically lessened the degree of Republican losses in nearly all races up to the end of prime time. I propose to show that the results expressed up to 11:00 pm EST time, the time by which most would have gone to bed, would leave Fox viewers with a skewed view of reality.
I have left off the westernmost states, most eastern states had almost all votes tallied but how would Fox relay them knowing they didn’t need to be 100% accurate.
Election Night Results Reported at “bedtime est.”
Actual Results
Obama McCain Ob Mc
CO 53% 45% 54 45
CT 60% 39% 61 38
DE 62% 37% 62 37
FL 51% 48% 51 49
GA 46% 54% 47 52
IL 61% 38% 62 37
IN 50% 49% 50 49
IA 54% 45% 54 45
KS 42% 57% 41 57
KY 41% 57% 41 58
LA 39% 59% 40 59
ME 58% 40% 58 41
MD 60% 39% 62 37
MA 62% 36% 62 36
MI 56% 42% 57 41
MN 54% 45% 54 44
MO 49% 50% 49 50
NE 41% 57% 41 57
NV 40% 58% 43 55
NH 54% 45% 54 45
NJ 57% 42% 57 42
NM 55% 43% 57 42
NY 62% 37% 62 37
NC 50% 50% 50 49
ND 45% 53% 45 53
OH 50% 48% 51 47
OK 34% 66% 34 66
PA 55% 45% 55 44
RI 63% 35% 63 35
SC 44% 54% 45 54
SD 44% 54% 45 53
TN 42% 57% 42 57
TX 44% 55% 44 55
VT 67% 32% 67 32
VA 51% 48% 53 47
WV 43% 56% 43 56
WI 56% 42% 56 43
WY 32% 66% 33 65
Only once did Fox news make a report of Obama getting a higher percentage of votes than he actually won, while they did it 12 times for McCain among these states.
In 15 out of these 38 states, Fox News reported Obama getting less than he actually won, while the same only happened 3 times for McCain.
They report you decide!
Brandon Arnold
On November 4, a very historic day for our nation i like many others was locked into cnn, and msnbc. From about 6 o clock till when obama gave his speech that is what i watched.
Generally on Tuesday nights I'm working lucky for me i was off that night. I watch house on Tuesday nights but i usually never watch it on tv, i have to watch it on the Internet to stay caught up on the series. Logging down what i watched that night was rather strange. It would have been alot more complicated if it wasn't election night. When there is nothing on that i really watch i channel surf all the time, usually trying to find a game or something related to what i like.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Mark Immler
This day was a typical day for me. I normally have work at some point and other responsibilities to where I can not watch television until the evening. I don't have a set schedule of shows i watch because I am never home at the same day two days in a row. If I do happen to want to watch a specific show I would like to watch. I normally go buy it on DVD and watch the episodes that way. Typical programs I tend to stop on and watch are South Park, Its Always Sunny, Scare Tactics, That 70's Show, Home Improvement.
I watch allot of television at work. Since I do not have Fuel at my house, this is my chance to watch extreme sports such as skateboarding, surfing, motox, etc. And if I am not watching Fuel at work, then I am watching ESPN or some type of ball game because my co-workers watch that stuff.
Logging my entries did help me with channel surfing. I've been known to try and find something different when a commercial comes on. I did realize that I don't watch as much television than I thought I did. But, I guess I think I watch a lot of TV because i fall asleep to the TV on so when I wake up I have some sort of music video on VH1 or CNN on my TV.
James Leach TV log 11/2/08
I didn't watch any TV shows that weren't logged; ex: on or I also didn't watch any TV at a friends house unless you count looking over at a TV on ESPN News that is on mute for an hour or so. I didn't think it watch TV but more like looking over at it occasionally while doing something else. I would occasionally look over and catch some scores running across the bottom of the screen. I did watch a DVD called The Promotion that I downloaded and burned to DVD.
Having to write down every show I watched was strange because of the reflection process involved. I realized I was a bum all day Sunday. After reviewing, what I watched that day I realized I could have done a lot more like this assignment for instance. I had a different TV day than some of my classmates because when I watch football I don't flip back and fourth much like an average viewer might. Therefore I didn't find myself changing channels too often and never found that my TV viewing was different to fit into fifteen minute increments. I did figure out that I watched a lot of television on Sunday, but I kinda figured I would do that anyway. I think these journals aren't completely reliable because people are lazy and that's a part of why there watching TV. Therefore they won't want to fill all this stuff out extremely accurately and will cut corners in order to ease the process. An example would be that they might "forget" to write that they flipped to a show the flipped back because it would be easier to write on the sheet that they watched one show for an hour that writing that they flipped back and fourth. Also some might not want to confess there dirty TV secrets like the fact that a guy watched a whole episode of Sex and the City. So people could lie on this log sheet or just not be accurate for many reasons.
Blog # 4 -- Televisionn
Date TV viewing was logged- 11/3
I chose a Monday to log my viewing because i do not have to work on Mondays and I have 3 hours in between classes. During those 3 hours i occasionally come back home to relax and turn on the television and then i do the same after my second class which ends at 9:30 p.m. So this day was very typical in terms of my viewing habits. I normally stay up a little bit later watching late night TV ,but I was especially tired that day so I watched a little bit less. Most of the shows that i viewed that day are shows that i would usually watch. They seem to always be on whenever i am home. Plus, they are all old shows that are played pretty often. New shows are usually only played once a week at a specific time and day. They only show that I logged that i normally do not watch is RENO 911. I love that show but it is normally not on when I am at home.
All the television that I watch is on my TV or on someone else's TV. All the shows I logged were viewed on my television. I have never watched TV on the internet unless it was in class for an assignment (mainly because I do not have a computer). I watched most all of the programs by myself at home. My roommate watched one show with me and then left the house. We all have different schedules and are rarely all at home at the same time.
I did not mind recording my TV viewing. I noticed that i do change channels often, but I controlled that for the sake of this assignment and found that it is much more enjoyable to watch TV when I am not consistently flipping through the channels. I was more in tune with the one program that I was watching rather than trying to pay attention to 2 or 3 different shows. I also realized that I do not watch quite as much TV as I thought I did, which is good because I was worried that I was spending too much time on my couch.
I believe these journals are reliable for keeping track of what people watch. As long as they are accurate about what the logging, then it seems to be a reasonable. It tells exactly what that person watched and exactly when they watched.
Logged: 10-3-08
3. My day of viewing was not typical at all because I seldom watch television. I basically had to set the evening aside just for this assignment. I’m familiar with all four of the shows I watched but they aren’t shows that I watch every single week because there isn’t a show I watch every single week.
4. My roommate watched television with me this particular night which is funny because it was probably the second time in our 6 months of living together that we have ever sat and watched something together. I told him about the assignment and we ended up making some popcorn and discussing everything we watched.
5. I discovered a few things by logging my personal tv viewing. One, I really feel like I don’t enjoy tv as much as the average person. I actually wish I liked it because I feel like I am at some kind of social disadvantage for not. Also, I wanted to flip channels the entire time. It was very difficult to sit and watch just one show for at least 15 minutes. I kept thinking, “What if there’s something else on?” I refused to flip channels because then it would screw up my time slots. I definitely would not be a reliable journalist for television ratings. As for the general public, I do have some doubts about the accuracy. I feel like most people would probably be experiencing the same problem as myself—they may want to flip the channel but remember they’re logging so end up watching something they are not completely interested in. This, of course, is with the exception of the shows that viewers watch every single week. I think the journals are more ineffective when logging just general television watching like I did.
My shows
Thursday typically isn’t what I would consider a busy day for me, since I usually just have to work and get around to doing homework. At least, that’s what I figured so I decided to use Thursday since I believed it was the best day to log what I watch the most. In doing so, I found that I am a devoted Gilmore Girls viewer during the day, Chelsea lately and it’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia at night. And though I missed a couple of shows I had wanted to see, I didn’t tape or record anything for future viewing. Yet after looking at what was actually recorded I found, that even with a slow day, I didn't watch as much as I thought I did. That also made me wonder how little I watch on what I consider a busy day, and what shows are really important to me and then why?
Even though I didn't record anything, I did watch a couple of It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia shows with my boyfriend on his ITouch that he bought through ITunes, which is a pretty typically habit for us both. Since we both work very late, it is hard for us to find time to sit down and watch shows, so he typically buys them and we watch them without commercials, which is nice. Though, personally it’s not a show I would have bought myself to watch, so without his input I probably wouldn’t watch the show as much as I found that I did. The log sheet may not show it due to the fact that I watched it other places but I found I watched a lot of Chelsea Lately. Even when I wasn’t home, it was the one show I made time to watch at night. Out of a busy schedule, I thought it was a bit funny that I make time to finally sit down and watch a little comedy to help me unwind.
From logging down what I watched, I believe I learned a lot. Even when I was done with the day I found the next time I watched TV I thought more about it. I considered how one show typically runs my schedule, needing to be home by 11:00 or being somewhere close to a TV set. I really questioned why that one show? Did I really just like the sarcastic humor or the poking fun at non serious issues that so many TV shows now use as real news such as Hollywood access? I also found that when watching shows with someone else that the channel typically gets changed a lot where as with me, I normally stay on one show. I figured by the time I found another show through flipping through commercials that my show would already be done with their commercials and back on so no real sense in changing. I also found that even on what I considered a slow day that TV just isn’t as prominent as I believed. But I also believe that plays into the fact that I watched them on another device, the ITouch. I don’t think the Journal such as this really takes devices such as the ITouch or IPhone into consideration, or even the lack of time people in today’s time have to just sit around and watch TV. Since you don’t record things you see at other places, it doesn’t take into consideration that you may just not be home, but you’re still watching a show somewhere else. Just because you’re not at home to watch a show then record it doesn’t mean it’s not being watched. I don’t believe the system is as accurate as it is made out to be. I think it would be better if it encompassed overall what you viewed during a single day but then I wonder if that would make more of a mess out of advertising? And if advertisers really want to reach a maximum audience, what kind of people are they really reaching? Since it's based off of just random people then scaled to proportion, again is it really accurate? Just because one person has time to sit down and watch a show, does it make it more popular then actually going on ITunes and purchasing it? Overall, the journal allowed me to really consider what I'm watching and obviously how important the shows are to me.
Jill Wilson-TV Viewing
I didn't watch any TV shows that weren't on my TV. I usually don't either, because I am either at my house or at school, and occasionally I'll be at a friends or at my parent's house. I didn't watch any TV online, and I have to say I never have before. I didn't watch TV at a friends because I didn't go to any of my friend's houses yesterday and I didn't watch any DVDs either. Yesterday was my husband's birthday, so we had all of my family over and all of his as well. So I was working on dinner, but while I was working on dinner, they were all watching the Presidential Election for 2008 and I couldn't help but listen as I was making dinner. Every once in awhile I would go in to say something or ask a question and watch a little bit that was on TV. So while I wasn't actually tuned into the show, I was still aware of what was going on.
I thought the process of having to write down my TV viewing made me think of my TV habits long ago. I used to watch a lot more TV than I do now, basically because I have a lot more going on now. I never really change the channel once I'm on a show. I'm not really one of those people that changes the channel all the time, but my husband is. The only way I'll change during the middle of a show is if I don't like something that it is portraying. I feel that as I get older I watch less TV. I think for the most part writing down what you watch is reliable. Although these surveys are pretty accurate, there are also people who leave their TVs on all day and aren't even watching, or they are watching the show, but say writing a paper at the same time, so they aren't really watching. There are many of the surveys that I'm sure are super accurate and some others, not so much.
Robert S. Uribe II (11-1-08)
I have definitely noticed that all the TV that I watch is on the weekends. During the week it is hard for me to really sit down watch a show. I have so many things to do during the week with school, and work that I really just don’t have the time. The weekend, preferably Saturday is the day that I really have enough time to watch TV and catch up with a couple of shows that I missed during the week. I am a really big cooking show person I also enjoy some of the really dumb reality shows I would love to have a TVR so I could record all my shows but I just can’t afford one.
I work at UPS, so they don’t have a TV there but sometimes I really wish they did even if it was in the break room. I really miss out on a lot of shows and I hate when everyone else knows what’s going on with the latest shows. It hasn’t always been like this though I used to have plenty of time to watch my shows and keep up with news even. I think I lost a lot of my TV time when I started college because now I have to really watch my time with every single thing I do. I feel that I listen to more of the radio driving back and forward from work then I do watching TV. I know Pathetic
I felt that the hardest thing for me was actually finding a show to watch. It takes me forever to find something that has just started and I wouldn’t be so lost watching it from the middle. When I do find something to watch though, I usually leave it there until it’s over. I’m not a big channel surfer so I don’t like to change the channel when I’m watching something. Commercials sometimes really tic me off so that can get frustrating at times. All in all I think that writing in my journal was really easy after I actually found something to watch. It was really cool to see actually how much time I spend watching TV on the weekends.
Television Journal
Monday, November 3, 2008
1. Television is one of my favorite pasttimes. It's a way for me to relax and take a break from class, homework and stress in general. I usually have a very hectic schedule so I am not able to watch as much tv as I would like. My viewing habits were very typical for a Monday and I watched the shows I normally would fit into my daily schedule. Such as, Without a Trace, Charmed, and The Hills. If I wouldn't have class I would watch Law & Order aswell.
2. I don't ever watch TV online unless I miss Grey's Anatomy or Private Practice on Wednesday and Thursday's at My sister and two best friends also watched The Hills with me at my apartment. This is a usual "get to gather" that happens every week. Whether I am at a friends house or my own apartment, it is almost always guaranteed that I will watch the same shows on a regualar basis.
3. I thought the process of logging my TV viewing was very neat and eye opening. I never realized how scheduled my TV watching is week to week. I also realized that I stay watching certain channels for long periods of time. I hardly ever change the channel and I have found that I am not a "channel surfer." While looking at the Nielsen journal I became aware that I watch less TV than I thought I did. Looking at all the time slots provided, I filled in a select few compared to what is offered on the table of showtimes. I feel that if a viewer is as scheduled and set on certain channels as I am then the journal is very realiable and really shows the amount of television I watch and the shows I am hooked on. It's when people constantly channel surf and are very undecisive that it throws off the accuracy of the journal.
This day was not very typical in terms of my weekly viewing habits. I watched significantly more TV than I usually watch on a typical day. I actually sat down during the middle of the day to watch TV, which I NEVER do. I just had a little extra down time that day, and chose to watch a show on VH1 with my roommates. I'm a regular viewer of The Hills, so I made it a point to watch that during the late evening. Later on in the night, I got started on homework, and I needed to watch the Presidential Debate for the assignment. I had one debate on DVR and I watched it for about an hour and a half.
I didn't actually watch TV anywhere else during that day. However, as I was hanging around my apartment during the day the TV was constantly on in the living room. At one point, my roommate was watching Jon and Kate plus 8 while I was in my own bedroom. I could hear and see the TV from my room, but I wasn't neccesarily watching the TV show. So considering that it was on my own TV but I wasn't actually watching it, I chose not to log it.
I found the process of having to write down my TV viewing quite interesting! I don't watch a lot of TV during the week, so I found this to be somewhat of a task. On this day, I watched more TV than usual, but for nearly 2 hours it was school related. I also found that my time of watching TV was short. I often found myself leaving the TV to do other things. I had to remind myself that I had to continue to watch or log it. I think that this may be reliable for keeping track of what people actually watch on TV, so long as it's only for a day at a time. I think that people will lose focus if it is longer than a day.
Television Blog Post
Tuesday, November
Before I get started on explaining my experience of tracking my television viewing, I first want to explain my situation. I live and work at a camp, Zephyr Baptist Encampment to be exact, four days out of the week and stay with friends the other three days. On these three days I go to class and work at the University Center on campus. In other words, I work and go to school seven days a week leaving me very little time for recreational or other activities, such as watching television. To make my television tracking process a little more difficult, my television serves as a means of playing video games and watching DVDs only simply because it doesn't pick up any channels. If I watch any television at all during a week it is at my friend’s house or at school during work. I find it hard to sit alone and watch television because I feel as if I am missing some sort of action that those who are not with me are partakeing in.
1. This day was not a typical day in terms of my weekly television viewing because I just don’t make time for it. I have to say that watching television on this night is more television than I watch in my average day. Usually, when I do watch television, Tru TV is my station. However, Animal Planet offered a program very similar to what I normally find on Tru TV, so I left it. Because I rarely find opportunity to watch television, I usually am unaware of programs that are showing and their times. With this in mind, I did not miss any program that I wish I would have seen. I did not record any shows simply because I do not have that option. But still, because I would rather interact than simply watch, another reason I choose other activities over watching television when I am given the opportunity, I most likely would not have recorded any shows for later viewing.
2. Yes, I did watch some television that I was unable to log in my journal. My last shift of the day was in our game room in the University Center. In the game room there is a television that offers many stations to choose from, video games made available for players and viewers alike and computers with online access. I was able to stay tuned into the election updates offered by CNN Live which showed almost throughout the entirety of my shift. I also watched some of the gamers display their skills on some video games through watching the players that came to the game room and by going online and viewing them on Youtude. Typically when I watch television it is at a friend’s house. On this particular night I did not watch any DVDs. During work at the school I remember numerous people come and go from watching the election from the same television that I was watching from, so yes, others were watching television with me tonight.
3. I have to say that I had the hardest time just finding time to watch television. Watching television that I could log on my journal was almost impossible. I really had to go out of my way to force myself to make time for it. The only time that I had was from 11pm to 12am. After that I stopped watching so I could type this blog. Usually when I watch television it is because I am interested in what is on. Because of this I rarely change the channel, doing so only when the program comes to a conclusion. After going through this process I realize that I, surprisingly enough, actually watch less television than what I would typically say that I do. I usually consider segments of programs that I catch throughout a day at school to be "watching television." As for the reliability of journaling in order to keep track of what people are actually watching on television, I believe it is relatively accurate and valid. My thought is that most people are happy to help and are actually quite interested to see their personal results and the results of a population as a whole.
Today was a little diffrent in terms of normal TV viewing becuase of the election. It was about the same amount of time, just my choices in programs was diffrent. I watched King of The Hill that is show i watch with probably to much regularity I honestly think I have seen every episode. But i also watched CSPAN, I never watch that channel but tonight being election night I watched it because it was the first channel I got to that had election coverage. I don't have a DVR so everything I watch was at the time it was first shown.
I watched South Park on DVD because my roommate and I got tierd of CSPAN and that seemed like good comic relief after something important like the election.
My thoughts on the journaling process were that I am lazier than I thought becuase this is like the easiest assignment ever and I still put it off till the last day. One thing I learned is that I watch alot less TV now that I am in college which is probably a good thing. I don't think the journals are a very good way to keep track of what people watch becuase if they are any thing like me they will forget to write it down half the time.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Just Enjoy the Show
Monday, November 3
The shows I watch on Mondays are the only shows I generally watch. The rest of my week is either filled with work, school, or both. So my Mondays are pretty planned out. I never know what I'm going to watch, but I just use the age-old process of elimination to see what I want to watch out of the hundreds of channels available. I do always watch "Las Vegas" between classes Monday mornings, but that is my guilty action/drama pleasure. And there are only a handful of other shows I can watch all the way through. Other than that, I sit on the couch Monday nights with the one goal of watching TV until I go to the bar, and then come back and watch some more TV. Mondays are my refuge to get me through the week.
There is also an "Always Sunny in Philadelphia" night where all of my roommates and friends come together to watch it at our house once a week. (This is also true for "Project Runway" and "Top Chef," but one just ended and the other will begin soon).
I'm not surprised that I watch this much television in a Monday, but while keeping track of the shows that I watched I noticed a couple of things. With my DVR I have developed a habit of recording a show just so I can watch it live, flip through other channels while commercials are on, and then go back to the show and rewind back to the beginning of that segment. Also, I think that advertisers have started to show their logos longer than usual in each commercial because I can still see the logos flash up almost subliminally even when I'm fast-forwarding through commercials quickly. If they don't do that already then they should start because I can fast-forward through a block of commercials but still want to buy a Mercedes or use the new swiffer mop (which I bought) by the end of the commercials I rushed through.
It is surprising how my life sometimes revolves around TV shows. I won't leave the house to do anything until I finish a show. My life is actually segmented out in thirty block segments- unbelievable.
This journal also really helped me realize what kind of shows I actually watch. Most of the shows are aimed at a college demographic, so I'm not surprised that I have an interest in them. But i think journaling the shows I watch in one night pretty much accurately represents all the shows I will ever watch at my age so i can see why Nielsen would use surveys like this. It makes a lot of sense.
TV Journal Post
Monday was a pretty typical TV day. I never miss Scrubs at 6:00 p.m. and usually watch the Daily Show and Colbert Report. I don't usually watch new shows unless they really look like something I'd enjoy. As I said, sometimes I miss the Daily Show/Colbert Report but if I do I just watch the reruns the next day.
I didn't watch any shows on the internet or anything on Monday, but sometimes I watch a show or two on some websites. Monday I mainly just hung out in my dorm, so I didn't watch any TV anywhere else.
I didn't find recording my TV watching too difficult, though during commercial breaks I channel surf a little, I didn't bother to record it. This type of journal seems reliable, but with all the advances in technology and hectic schedules some people might not record everything accurately.
Today was a typical day in terms of my weekly viewing habits. I would like to say that I watched less tv today then usual. I religiously watch Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill every Monday night. I didn't watch any shows that I have never seen before. On Mondays I usually only watch those two shows at a friends house, but tonight I watched them alone. Today was a bit of a crazy day filled with writing papers so I didn't watch much tv at all today. When I watch tv I usually don't change the channels because I'm online shopping. I didn't realize that I didn't watch that much tv, I watched a lot less tv then I thought I did. I think it is really neat how they are able to keep track of what everyone is watching because then they know what the viewer enjoys watching.
Thank God for TIVO!
November 4, 2008
3.) I don't watch TV that often. I tend to TIVO everything and sit and watch it whenever I get really bored, which is what I did today. Plus, I didn't really feel like watching all the coverage of the presidential election. The TV is usually always on in the background, but today I tried to really make the effort to watch it. There are only a few shows that I really try to watch on a regular basis, and Grey's Anatomy is one of them. I have been hooked on that show since the day it came out, but I find that on Thursday nights I always have something going on, so I have been recorded it now for the past two seasons. Unfortunetly, the show is no where near as interesting as it used to be, but I still want to know what it going on with all of the main characters. Since the election coverage dominated all of the major channels, I found myself watching TruTV (what used to be Court TV). One show, Most Shocking, was one that I had seen before while flipping through channels, but this time I actually sat and watched the entire thing. I learned all of the dumb things that criminals do and learned everything I should NEVER do when pulled over by the police. I didn't miss any shows, but I did want to watch some of the shows that I had recorded on Halloween, but I didn't get the opportunity too. Bravo runs a mini-series every year, The 100 Scariest Movie Moments, and I was interested in seeing moment 100-20. We watched the conclusion the other day and I still have the image of Linda Blair in The Exorcist. Not good. I did record The Rocky Horror Picture Show today, just to save for later enterainment!
4.) I didn't watch any full TV shows, but I did watch a ton of TV show clips on YouTube that I watch on pretty much a daily basis. My boyfriend and I watch alot of Saturday Night Live skits (which we watched today for the upteenth time). Why do we entertain ourselves with this same clip that we have seen millions of times? Because every time, no matter, I laugh my head off and it is wonderful. Best skit ever? The Peppa Pizzeria Uno. If you have not seen it, you should.
5.) I definetly had to remember to log my TV watching. I tend to be a channel surfer, so instead of flipping through all of the channels like crazy, I watched the clock to make sure I stayed on a program for fifteen minutes or more. Plus it helped that there wasn't much excitement on the TV so we stuck to one channel pretty much all night. While I watched the recorded Grey's Anatomy episodes, they only lasted about 45 minutes, opposed to the normal hour viewing time. I found that I watch more TV than I thought I did. When it is all written out on paper, you really get an idea of how much time you spend sitting on a couch in the same place, usually with some kind of snack in your hand. How healthy is that? I don't feel that these journals are all that reliable. I found that I kept getting up to do things during commericals and then I would miss the first few minutes of the show when it came back on, or just have the TV running in the background while cooking dinner. I don't feel like people can be very honest or give their complete attention to the journal at all times.
Also, in class we talked about ads and commercials and what we thought of them. I would much rather fast forward through the commercials, especially in shows like Grey's Anatomy. The show tends to leave you with a little mini-cliff hanger before it goes to commerical break, so the joy of TIVO is that you only have to wait about 4.6 seconds opposed to five minutes of commercials. It's wonderful! Also, when there is a commercial during regular programming, alot of the time I will miss the first bit of the show when it comes back on. I think it's so much better to be able to completely control everything that you are watching and to have the ability to fast forward or rewind. For example, while watching Most Shocking on TruTV today, I watched a very intoxicated man try to take his sobriety test, and while he was bending over to touch the floor, he fell face first into the concrete parking lot. Be honest now, who does not want to see that multiple times? I know I did! Thank God for the rewind button on the remote control!
TV Blog
Keeley Motton
Wednesday, October, 29 2008
T.V. Time
Monday, November 3, 2008
Due to a head cold and a lost remote this day in particular was generously spent watching T.V. (sadly not much more than usual). Mondays don't offer much for me,I know it's new heroes but I'm still catching up with season two so new episodes aren't allowed at my house. I try my hardest to watch Office, Mythbusters and a few others throughout the week, but it's really easy to catch reruns or download and burn. I recently watched the first 3 seasons of Weeds on burned DVD's it took less than a month but it works for me.This day I did'nt watch anything recorded however.
I had an odd little mix but I think that had something to do with my lack of a remote. I just left it on for a while "half watching" some shows. I caught an SNL special, not apart of regular programming. Heeelarious by the way.I didn't go anywhere except for school so my T.V. was the only one I watched. I was alone most of the time but the boyfriend watched the news and the SNL thing with me.
Logging my T.V. time was a bit embarrassing, it wasn't the time spent, but some of the shows,(Little People, Big World)that had me for a while. I don't usually watch it but that night I did. My chart can look different on any given day. The time is close to accurate but the shows vary throughout the week. It depends on what's going on that week really. I'm not quite sure on the reliability of the journals. If people know others are reviewing it they are likely to change their routine from the norm.
My Television Log
November 2, 2008
Sundays are normally the one day of the week where I am able to sit in front of the television for an extended amount of time; normally during the week I'm caught up with school work or friends, but Sundays are much more lax. I watched George Lopez which is the one show I never miss. I also make it a point to watch House every Sunday on USA; they usually have a three or four hour block of House episodes. I did watch two episodes of House, though neither of them were recorded on my log because I viewed them on a television outside of my apartment. I don't normally watch Desperate Housewives, but my roommate watches it religiously, so I joined her for the second half of the show out of pure boredom. I also don't have a DVR or any other means of recording television so I don't have the pleasure of recording television and viewing it later.
I did download and watch a basketball game from the internet which originally aired Friday, October 31 on ESPN. I love the NBA, particularly the San Antonio Spurs, but I don't get to see a lot of their games. I use peer to peer file sharing on a regular basis to view games that aren't broadcast here in Corpus. I also watched a couple of hours of House on the television in the emergency room at the Bay Area Hospital. I rarely watch television outside of my apartment, but Sunday was a little different than most days. The only person I watched television with at my apartment was my roommate Sarah. At the hospital, I was watching the television with Sarah, my other roommates Erin and Katie, along with about 10 other people in the waiting room.
When I was filling out my log, I realized how often I switch the channels and how little actual television programs I watch. I literally spend 30 or more minutes just looking for something to watch. I'd catch about 5 minutes of a program that I'd find interesting, then I'd switch the channel and get completely caught up in another program. I also watch more movies than tv programs. I watched almost 4 and a half hours of movies on Sunday, and only 2 and a half hours of tv shows. I didn't watch as much tv as I had imagined. I feel like I usually waste away my Sundays watching tv, but looking back my log seems empty. I don't watch tv on a regular basis, so I have a very narrow interst in tv programs; I only watch if I'm familiar with a show.
I don't think this is the best way to keep track of television viewing, though I can't think of a better one. I think people switch to other programs during commercial breaks and they get enough of a grasp on a certain television program, but there aren't 5 minute increments and it's not really clear on how much of a show you have to watch to make it count.
TV Blog
Normally I do not watch a lot of television. When I do its just for a few minutes or maybe an episode of C.S.I., That 70’s Show, or Americas Funniest Home Videos. But for some reason this week with everything that was going on I did not get a chance to watch any television. The main reason was school work and the band practices left me no time.
When I mean this week and weekend was hectic I honestly might be being modest. Actually had no time, barely even ate. Those days that I get to watch tv I usually don’t watch anything on the internet. I didn’t have time to watch anything on a DVD either. (lame I know)
The time that I had to watch tv was when the president was getting elected, I felt like there was no need that I miss that event in history! When I started to log down my time my roommates were wondering. While starting this log I realized that I really don’t watch as much tv. Makes me feel better. In the short time that I logged I started to see how these things could be a pain or they can be helpful; to see where your time went.
TV Journal
I didn't watch any more or less tv than I usually would for this project. I pretty much just scan through the channels and stop on a show I recognize. Now in college I don't really know what shows come on what nights and I don't watch much tv. When I do watch tv the same shows are usually on, either CSI, UFC, or Food Network shows I like and of course football. If I did miss a show I wanted to see I wouldn't have known it. I did not record any shows.
I didn't watch tv any where else besides on my tv. I only watched about an hour or two a day and it's usually late at night when I get off work so no one was with me. I didn't watch any movies either, my friends and I usually have movie nights on Wednesdays.
I knew I didn't watch much but I never realized just how much I don't watch tv! I also realized I change the channel alot! All the shows I watched fit in the 15 increments, they were either 30 minutes or an hour long. I believe the journal works because it makes you pay more attention to what you watch and actually how long you watch it for.
Natalie Couling 11/3
I was home all day on Monday as per my doctor's orders so the only T.V. I watched was my own. I don't watch shows on the Internet unless i forget to set my DVR so I have watched some on and before. My boyfriend was home with me after 6, but as far as watching T.V. with me, he wasn't paying attention to it, he was on the Internet, his choice for entertainment.
Having to write down what I watched throughout the day wasn't so bad because I wasn't doing much of anything else and it was easy. On a typical day, if it's not recorded the chances of me sitting through an hour show without pressing pause or changing the channel at least twice are slim to none because I hate commercials. The only time i get to watch T.V. is in the evenings so I'm hardly ever caught up on what I've recorded. I watched more T.V. on Monday then I usually do because I was stuck at home. Normally I watch 3 hours of T.V. a day compared to the 8 or so I was able to watch. Since this was an easy task to do I don't think people would find it difficult or time consuming to write down what they watch unless they have a busy home environment.