Sunday, November 16, 2008

Family Guy: The Man With Two Brains

After watching the family guy episode: the man with two brains I realize that I like hulu. I have never actually used hulu before and was unaware of all that it offered. I could view in full screen mode if I am viewing with a friend. It gave the option to view the show in a separate window off to the side if I still wanted to surf the web at the same time. If I was viewing by myself it gave me the option to darken the back ground in order to make it easier to see. There were other options offer that I was unsure of hoe to use but with time I'm sure I will figure it out.

It was an all around good experience and remains unmatched as far as viewing on a computer. However, if I can watch on a tv opposed to a computer I will. Watching through Hulu is a great alternative though.

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