Tuesday, November 4, 2008

El television

Courtney Hall
November 2, 2008

El television

This Sunday was very different from most Sundays since it was the day of my birthday. I woke up and did my daily routine, turning on the TV flipping through stations. Like usual I tuned in to the cartoon network, which I’m very fond of. I think cartoon network is more interesting to me now that I’m older. I say this because cartoons have inside jokes that targets a more mature audience than younger. One of the shows which I found pretty hilarious was this show titled, “Total Drama Island”. This show is basically a reality show but in cartoon form. I also watched, “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Aire”, a show I haven’t watched in a long time and I still found it humorous. I missed one of my football games and that was the Colts, hmmm I wonder who won, I wish I could’ve recorded it.

Something new that I found myself doing was watching movies online. “The Incredible Hulk” was a movie downloaded off-line and was viewed through the media window of his lab top. I was very in aww because I never seen a movie that wasn’t out yet show so clearly, are maybe it is out. Technology has really advanced from what it was. Also when I went over to my friend’s house we started to watch the Dallas Cowboys game vs. the New York Giants, which ended up in agony. I think I was sleepy and went to bed so I don’t remember much which was weird. During my log time I had a couple of friends staying at my house for the weekend, so sometimes I would watch TV with them but for the most part most of it I stayed in my room watching my toons.

This activity was pretty difficult when trying to fit into my schedule, because it actually made me sit down and watch TV. When I watch TV I really watch it, I’m drawn in paying close attention to everything single detail. I don’t really like searching through channels, I have my favorite stations that are locked in and I search through those. Television is something that I watch consistently so I always find myself watching the same stations. I don’t think I had a hard time with the 15 minute increments, because I liked the show I stayed tune. To be frank I find the reliability of journals like keeping track of what people actually watch on TV is interesting. I don’t believe people actually know that what they are watching is being rated. Whomever came up with the journals are pretty intelligent…

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