Monday, November 10, 2008

Iniquitous and Slanted

How Inaccurate was Fox News on election night?

During the evening as election results rolled in most Americans were assured that Barak Obama would be elected President of the United States by 8pm EST. Fox News called the victory for Obama shortly thereafter. While Fox correspondents connived how the Democratic party could be divided, the bottom third of the TV screen scrolled through the election returns. I want to know how close to the truth the Fox broadcast came in reporting results. I suspect that Fox systematically lessened the degree of Republican losses in nearly all races up to the end of prime time. I propose to show that the results expressed up to 11:00 pm EST time, the time by which most would have gone to bed, would leave Fox viewers with a skewed view of reality.
I have left off the westernmost states, most eastern states had almost all votes tallied but how would Fox relay them knowing they didn’t need to be 100% accurate.

Election Night Results Reported at “bedtime est.”
Actual Results
Obama McCain Ob Mc

CO 53% 45% 54 45
CT 60% 39% 61 38
DE 62% 37% 62 37
FL 51% 48% 51 49
GA 46% 54% 47 52
IL 61% 38% 62 37
IN 50% 49% 50 49
IA 54% 45% 54 45
KS 42% 57% 41 57
KY 41% 57% 41 58
LA 39% 59% 40 59
ME 58% 40% 58 41
MD 60% 39% 62 37
MA 62% 36% 62 36
MI 56% 42% 57 41
MN 54% 45% 54 44
MO 49% 50% 49 50
NE 41% 57% 41 57
NV 40% 58% 43 55
NH 54% 45% 54 45
NJ 57% 42% 57 42
NM 55% 43% 57 42
NY 62% 37% 62 37
NC 50% 50% 50 49
ND 45% 53% 45 53
OH 50% 48% 51 47
OK 34% 66% 34 66
PA 55% 45% 55 44
RI 63% 35% 63 35
SC 44% 54% 45 54
SD 44% 54% 45 53
TN 42% 57% 42 57
TX 44% 55% 44 55
VT 67% 32% 67 32
VA 51% 48% 53 47
WV 43% 56% 43 56
WI 56% 42% 56 43
WY 32% 66% 33 65

Only once did Fox news make a report of Obama getting a higher percentage of votes than he actually won, while they did it 12 times for McCain among these states.
In 15 out of these 38 states, Fox News reported Obama getting less than he actually won, while the same only happened 3 times for McCain.
They report you decide!

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