Tuesday, November 4, 2008

T.V. Time

Sara Huckabee
Monday, November 3, 2008

Due to a head cold and a lost remote this day in particular was generously spent watching T.V. (sadly not much more than usual). Mondays don't offer much for me,I know it's new heroes but I'm still catching up with season two so new episodes aren't allowed at my house. I try my hardest to watch Office, Mythbusters and a few others throughout the week, but it's really easy to catch reruns or download and burn. I recently watched the first 3 seasons of Weeds on burned DVD's it took less than a month but it works for me.This day I did'nt watch anything recorded however.
I had an odd little mix but I think that had something to do with my lack of a remote. I just left it on for a while "half watching" some shows. I caught an SNL special, not apart of regular programming. Heeelarious by the way.I didn't go anywhere except for school so my T.V. was the only one I watched. I was alone most of the time but the boyfriend watched the news and the SNL thing with me.
Logging my T.V. time was a bit embarrassing, it wasn't the time spent, but some of the shows,(Little People, Big World)that had me for a while. I don't usually watch it but that night I did. My chart can look different on any given day. The time is close to accurate but the shows vary throughout the week. It depends on what's going on that week really. I'm not quite sure on the reliability of the journals. If people know others are reviewing it they are likely to change their routine from the norm.

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